General Guide

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[This guide is still under construction]

This page contains general information on how you could progress in the game, as well as the recommend steps in doing so. This page will spoil 100% of the game so players who want to go blind should avoid it at all cost. The objective is not to give you orders, even if the wording makes it look like so, it's mostly a humorous way of emphasising the importance of some suggestions. Avoid those at your own peril. Most of those comments are referred to later on to explain why they were a mistake in the community's opinion, since about 95% of this guide is roughly in line with the consensus.

Note: I have opted to replace "level/lvl X" by the notation "vX" for brevity and ease of reading. Same for Tier, which will sometimes be replaced by "T".

Please @Brewer or @kennyubasterd00 in the discord if you have comments or suggestions on the guide, or if you just want to say thanks. Special thanks to Shadow (chaoslord_) for their guidance across multiple months in my playthrough.

The Devouring

This section about figuring which station is best for food farming in specific circumstances was removed from this guide due to heavy whining from the community. See this page instead.

The 16 Commandments

These guidelines are valid for the entirety of the game and therefore should be considered before trying to apply particular strategies:

1. Patience is key. 2. Lair space > Crate space > Cage space > anything else
3. No reckless gem & coin spending. 4. Fight or feed champions quickly.
5. No stray stations. 6. Keep stations at lvl 2, 3 or 5.
7. Only make T1 legendaries for their feat. 8. Level up alongside feats.
9. Use cravings. 10. Merge runes and potions.
11. Grind daily. 12. Events are the GOAT.
13. Don't needlessly tap. 14. Don't needlessly merge.
15. Get runes early. 16. Leave space for eggs.
  1. This game is and remains an idle game, thus you will make incremental progress that build up over time.
  2. Lair space is nearly always preferable to any other bonus. Crate space is more valuable than Cage space. In addition, it's often worth it to get rid of useless items to get more free space. Don't keep unmerged items spawned with Mana.png mana if you are out, when your other 2 resources are full.
  3. Spending Gem 0.png gems on refills is to be avoided at all cost. Coin 0.png gold will have dedicated use for progress at some point.
  4. Always beating or feeding champions when they appear is a good strategy in most cases, otherwise their % progress and space is wasted.
  5. Ideally one would only make resource cap items by powers of 2 so that no stray low level ones remain in the lair. Same principle applies to stations.
  6. Using a v5 station when one could be using a v2 station will waste a ton of resources. It will eventually be worth it to own both v5 and v2 versions of a few stations. Some stations should be on v3 instead of v2, but those levels are the most efficient in terms of space and resource efficiency.
  7. Crafting most Legendary creatures only once is recommended (they can't be fed to the devourer), only doing so when they are required is optimal.
  8. Progressing level and feat at the same time is usually the most efficient way to progress while avoiding roadblocks.
  9. Cravings will be the biggest source of Food.png food in this game. Focusing on the required minion will be most efficient 90% of the time.
  10. Holding onto most runes is a stressful but rewarding strategy since waiting until v3 for all runes will yield heavy rewards. It will be necessary to feed some v1 and v2 since limited space will inevitably become an issue. Only keeping the hardest ones to earn is also viable. Potions are better when merged to max (except darkness at v2 due to a bug).
  11. Opening the game to collect daily rewards and deplete free daily refills and Valuable Chest.png chests will be very useful for progress, thus you should invest at least some of your time everyday to collect those rewards if possible. Daily ads will likely become a chore, making the no-ads bundle very worth it if you can afford it.
  12. Events such as NectarMerger and Sibling Rivalry will be huge time sinks and should ideally be started in available periods (3 days straight might be difficult for 9-5 workers). Their rewards are worth the pain (especially sibling).
  13. Don't needlessly tap if it can be avoided, carpal tunnel is an enemy to us all. Tapping the Necromerger will quickly become almost pointless.
  14. You usually gain the most advantage by merging items and minions to their max level*. Although, for some circumstances, it is better to keep some items or minions seperate. These pitfalls will rarely cost you much but mindlessly merging could prove extremely inefficient on the long run in very specific cases (mainly during completion of cravings and feats).
  15. Plan ahead to not get stuck in an awkward position (upgrading stations out of their optimal level before a grind is completed or running out of space due to lack of runes).
  16. Having 8 empty spaces while leaving the game is usually preferable, to earn offline eggs.

*Note that Coin 0.png gold, as opposed to Ice Rune 0.png runes and Gem 0.png gems, can reach v4.

The Beginning

Level 1–10

Zombie L3.png

You will go through the tutorial and progress through the game. Most players will not struggle before v10. If you still require help for this part, you can refer to the above section and/or ask in the discord.

Regardless, here are some pointers that might help:

  • Setting up proper resource generation will be very important in this game, so you better start early to not have to wait too long.Skeleton L2.gif skeletons v2 and Zombie L3.png zombie v3 are the most effective low level resource generators in early game and when you have a lot of space (you lose generation by merging them, however they are less space efficient). It might be better to generate resources to keep them at this level until you run out of space and then merge them. You should privilege eye monsters to skeletons in terms of Mana.png mana generation. Speaking of, Eye Monster L2.gif eye monsters v2 are the most effective when you have enough space. It follows that your lair will likely ressemble something like : 1 high level skeleton/zombie/eye monster, a few Skeleton L2.gif skeletons v2, a few Eye Monster L2.gif eye monsters v2, a few Zombie L3.png zombie v3, the Grave L3.png/Supply Cupboard L2.png stations to spawn them and a Mana Pool L2.png mana pool.
  • Peasant.gif
    Try to plan out what you will feed the devourer so that you don't overflow too much (20% or less). Also completing a craving while also feeding enough Food.png food for the devourer to level up will completely waste the craving Food.png food, so keep that in mind. Example: devourer requires a Eye Monster L2.gif eye monster v2 and grants 200 Food.png food, but if you are within less than 35 Food.png food (the Food.png food value of Eye Monster L2.gif eye monster v2) of leveling up, you will feed the devourer, complete the craving, and level up, starting back at 0 Food.png food on the next level, effectively wasting the entire craving Food.png food.
  • Before you feed or fight with a minion, try to wait until they nearly refilled their resource. This will be more effective than having to wait longer for the resource to refill. This will not make any difference if you wait 8 hours between your logins, but for frequent players, this will be a lot more effective.
  • Only use Mana Potion L3.png potions v3 when you are almost out of that resource, you can squeeze out the most out of them if you wait for your resources to regenerate and then spend it so it's close to 0 when you use the potion. (example Grave L3.png grave v3 costs 400 Mana.png mana, you can wait until you have 401 Mana.png mana and then spend it to have almost 0 Mana.png mana, then use the potion). This only applies to Mana Potion L3.png potions v3, not lower.
Minimal requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
grave v3 Grave L3.png 80 Ice Rune 0.png mana pool v3 Mana Pool L3.png 40 Ice Rune 0.png/20 Poison Rune 0.png
cupboard v1 Supply Cupboard L1.png 20 Poison Rune 0.png foul chicken v1 Foul Chicken L1.gif 30 Ice Rune 0.png/15 Poison Rune 0.png
total so far 150 Ice Rune 0.png/35 Poison Rune 0.png

You don't need to wait to have complete feat 6 to read the below section, but it will make more sense if you do wait until then.

Level 11–20 (Feat Tier 6 Completed)

Notable additions from now onwards:

  1. Knight.gif knights (500 hp) appear after v10. They drop Poison Chest.png Poison Chests which drop Poison Rune 1.png/Poison Rune 2.png poison runes and occasional Blood Rune 1.png blood runes. Try to merge some damage dealers on the field whenever it will spawn soon. Werewolf L4.gif werewolves v4 and Snake L2.gif snakes v2 should do the trick.
  2. Altar L1.png altar will be unlocked after feat tier 7. They will spawn damage dealers (Werewolf L1.gif werewolves) which will help spawn Knight.gif knights. They will be your only way of spending Darkness.png darkness for a while. Altar L2.png altar v2 is optimal to spawn Knight.gif knights, and although it's not really worth it to keep in the lair, a Supply Cupboard L2.png cupboard v2 will help a lot to spawn it when you are desperate for Poison Rune 0.png poison runes.
  3. New cravings! Spider L1.gif spiders (v1 at v10, v2 at v12) and Snake L2.gif snakes (v1 at v15, v2 at v18) will start appearing so you will need to plan for those since a craving lock is very annoying and will slow down your progress a lot. The amount of chicken you make is up to you but most will get by with 1 or 2. Try to keep them in a mergeable state if you have more (example, 2 v2 and 1 v3 so you can make 1 v4 if you lack space).
  4. Spells! They give permanent bonuses and cost runes. You will want to get the mana spell to max as soon as possible for an upcoming feat.
  5. You need to kill a lot of Peasant Image.png peasant (100 hp) for upcoming feats and stations. The Ice Rune 0.png ice and Poison Rune 0.png poison runes will be unvaluable. The best stations to spawn the peasant are Grave L5.png grave v5 and Supply Cupboard L5.png supply cupboard v5.
  6. Feat tier 8 requires 50k mana, for which you need manyMana Pool L2.png mana pools v2, don't make them until you can actually complete the feat, see below for full rune breakdown.

6 extra spaces will come at v22. Do not spend ANY Gem 0.png gems and ideally no Coin 0.png gold if possible.

Minimal requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
grave v4 Grave L4.png 80 Ice Rune 0.png 3 mana pool v2

1 mana pool v1

Mana Pool L2.png Mana Pool L1.png 70 Ice Rune 0.png/35 Poison Rune 0.png
cupboard v3 Supply Cupboard L1.png 60 Poison Rune 0.png foul chicken v3 Foul Chicken L3.gif 90 Ice Rune 0.png/45 Poison Rune 0.png
slime vat v1 Slime Vat L1.png 10 Poison Rune 0.png/5 Blood Rune 0.png altar v1 Altar L1.png 20 Blood Rune 0.png
tier 1 spells * 155 Ice Rune 0.png/55 Poison Rune 0.png/

10 Blood Rune 0.png

section total 395 Ice Rune 0.png/205 Poison Rune 0.png/

35 Blood Rune 0.png

total so far 545 Ice Rune 0.png/240 Poison Rune 0.png/35 Blood Rune 0.png

*50k Mana.png mana cap and 3 different spells for feat tier 8, which requires ideally lvl 5 Mana.png mana cap spell, lvl 1 Peasant.gif peasant /Knight.gif knight appearance and lvl 1 NecroMerger.png necromerger resource. 20k base Mana.png mana cap + 1 lvl 3 Mana Pool L3.png (feat tier 6), 3 lvl 2 Mana Pool L2.png and 1 lvl 1 Mana Pool L1.png mana pools with those spells will be enough even without any other bonuses.

Level 21–30 (Feat Tier 9 completed)

This section might prove quite challenge for beginners. You should be spending more time planning your lair and what you need to do, here's a few tips:

  1. DO NOT SPAWNDark Stores L1.png DARK STORES UNLESS OBLIGATED. They cost way too much for their worth for now.
  2. The cleric
    You should essentially speedrun to v24. At v22, you get a lair expansion and at v24, Cleric.gif Clerics (2500 hp) start appearing. They drop Blood Chest.png blood chests which drop Blood Rune 1.png/Blood Rune 2.png blood runes and occasional Moon Rune 1.png moon runes. Beating it a few times will be necessary to progress, try to prepare in advance for its appearance with Werewolf L5.gif werewolves v5 and Snake L3.gif snakes v3. Altar L5.png Altar v5 is the best to spawn it.
  3. Improved resource generation will be a must in the near future. If you haven't already switched your Skeleton L7.gif skeletons, Zombie L6.png zombies and Mummy L5.gif mummies yet, you should start swapping them out for Eye Monster L6.gif eye monsters, Spider L4.gif spiders and Bat L4.gif bats.
  4. Cravings will trip you a lot in this section. v24 requiring Lectern L2.png lectern for Shade L4.gif shade cravings (great way to spawn the Cleric.gif Cleric at v2) and v26 requiring the Foul Chicken L4.gif foul chicken v4 for Golden Egg.png golden egg cravings. And the big boss of them all, the Ghoul L1.gif ghoul cravings...
  5. Feat 12 will give you a Ham.png ham. DO NOT FEED THE HAM UNTIL REACHING LEVEL 29. Players who do not follow this advice will get walled by Ghoul L1.gif ghoul cravings for a full level (80k Food.png food) otherwise.

  6. Two legendaries will need to be spawned, only do so once absolutely necessary since they can't be tossed afterwards and they waste 1 space.

  7. Even if you unlock the Harpy.gif Harpy already, don't try making it yet. Only do as much farming as necessary for now since v31 will give you your maximum lair size, making farming much easier.
  8. 50k Slime.png slime feat is the same as for Mana.png mana, but worse. Max the tier 1 spells, the same can be done for tier 2 spells but it is not mandatory.
  9. Even if Forgotten Minions are unlocked already at this point, using them is inefficient since they are too costly at this point.

You could probably spend on the NecroMerger Wizard.png wizard skin in the shop if you have enough Coin 0.png gold. If 250 Gem 0.png gems have been amassed, you must now buy a crate. The objective is to always have 1 lvl of crate higher than cage or them being equal. V1 crate then v1 cage, then v2 crate, so on so forth.

Minimal requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
Lich* Lich.gif 620 Ice Rune 0.png mana pool v5** Mana Pool L5.png 50 Ice Rune 0.png/25 Poison Rune 0.png
Gorgon* Gorgon.gif 680 Poison Rune 0.png foul chicken v4*** Foul Chicken L4.gif 120 Ice Rune 0.png/60 Poison Rune 0.png
altar v4 Altar L4.png 140 Blood Rune 0.png lectern v1 Lectern L1.png 50 Ice Rune 0.png/20 Moon Rune 0.png
1 slime vat v4

6 slime vat v2

Slime Vat L4.png Slime Vat L2.png 130 Poison Rune 0.png/65 Blood Rune 0.png tier 1 spells *4* 300 Ice Rune 0.png/160 Poison Rune 0.png/

45 Blood Rune 0.png/10 Moon Rune 0.png

tier 2 spells *5* 200 Ice Rune 0.png/80 Poison Rune 0.png/

25 Blood Rune 0.png/30 Moon Rune 0.png

section total 1340 Ice Rune 0.png/1135 Poison Rune 0.png/

275 Blood Rune 0.png/60 Moon Rune 0.png

total so far 1885 Ice Rune 0.png/1375 Poison Rune 0.png/310 Blood Rune 0.png/60 Moon Rune 0.png

*The rune cost includes rebuilding a v3 station to fulfill the cravings. Note that legendaries give back a v1 station.

**Not obligatory but heavily recommended, the rune cost assumes no lower lvls were tossed for space.

***v26-28 cravings require a Golden Egg.png golden egg, which drops at 5% from chicken v4 and 10% at v5.

*4* The missing spells from tier 1 spells should all be max level by now.

*5* 50k Slime.png slime cap and 12 different spells for feat tier 12, which requires ideally lvl 5 Slime.png slime cap spell, all tier 1 maxed and tier 2 to lvl 1. 15k base Slime.png slime cap + 6 v2 Slime Vat L2.png and 1 v4 (feat tier 11) Slime Vat L4.png slime vat with those spells will be enough even without any other bonuses.

Level 31–40 (Feat tier 13 completed)


This is the last section before the game radically changes. It will be your toughest challenge yet, so some advice are in order:

  1. You should essentially speedrun to v32. At v31, you get your final lair expansion and at v32, Paladin.gif paladin (7500 hp), start appearing. They drop Moon Chest.png moon chests which drop Moon Rune 1.png/Moon Rune 2.png moon runes and occasional Death Rune 1.png death runes. Beating it MANY times will be necessary to progress, try to prepare in advance for its appearance with several Werewolf L5.gif werewolves v5 and Snake L3.gif snakes v3. The best (accessible) way of spawning Paladin.gif paladins at the moment will be Lectern L4.png lectern v4 (later on, it will be v5).
  2. Once you unlock the Rival.gif rival (15k hp) at v37, you will only want to beat it twice (unless very unlucky with Death Rune 0.png death runes). The best way to spawn it at this point is Fridge L4.png fridge v4, with supplements from occasional Golden Egg.png golden eggs.
  3. Killing Paladin.gif paladins and Rival.gif rivals will be a chore, but access to Banshee L4.gif banshees, Ghoul L4.gif ghouls for damage will be nice.
  4. In this section, you should focus on farming Peasant Image.png peasants for Ice Rune 0.png ice runes so that you have at least enough to make an extra Lich.gif lich (640 Ice Rune 0.png ice runes minus the graves owned) at v40. You will also need to make extremely costly stations that require ample amounts of Ice Rune 0.png ice, Poison Rune 0.png poison and Moon Rune 0.png moon runes. It is therefore recommended to plan ahead.
  5. You will likely not want to spawn higher than a Lectern L4.png lectern v4, Fridge L4.png fridge v4 and Portal L2.gif portal v2 due to their important rune costs. The order of making stations should be like so:

    Fridge L3.png fridge v3 => Lectern L4.png lectern v4 => Fridge L4.png fridge v4 => Harpy.gif Harpy => Portal L2.gif portal v2

  6. It is recommended to not spawn Harpy.gif Harpy before: 1- reaching v38, 2- having 80 extra Blood Rune 0.png blood runes and enough to get 50k max Darkness.png darkness (these are 2 independent requirements). Altar L2.png Altar v2 should be kept (the pain will only last 2 levels) unless you really want 2 options for cravings.
  7. To optimize resource generation, it would be best to replace Eye Monster L6.gif eye monsters, Spider L4.gif spiders and Bat L4.gif bats progressively by Banshee L4.gif banshees, Ghoul L4.gif ghouls and Imp L4.gif imps.
  8. Max out tier 2 spells and only do the darkness cap spell in tier 3 spells.
  9. If by this point you haven't invested yourself in the events, you will have to start or you will suffer a large time cost from the loss of efficiency. The relics earned through these events are a lifesaver in terms of generating champions to farm runes.
  10. Forgotten Minions are probably unlocked by now, they will not prove that useful on the short term but could be helpful if one wants to reduce their grind, especially for Ice Rune 0.png ice runes.

You're expected to have (or be close to having) v2 crate and v1 cage or better at this stage, granting you 10 extra spaces for your lair.

At level 35, the The Keeper.gif keeper will appear in the Central Chamber, don't worry about him just yet. Once you're at level 40, have completed feat tier 16 and have 25 Moon Rune 0.png moon and 25 Death Rune 0.png death runes, read the section below.

Minimal requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
Harpy* Harpy.gif 500 Blood Rune 0.png 11 Dark store v2**

1 Dark store v5

Dark Stores L2.png Dark Stores L5.png 380 Blood Rune 0.png/190 Moon Rune 0.png
lectern v4 Lectern L4.png 350 Ice Rune 0.png/140 Moon Rune 0.png fridge v4 Fridge L4.png 400 Poison Rune 0.png/160 Moon Rune 0.png
portal v2 Portal L2.gif 60 Blood Rune 0.png/60 Death Rune 0.png tier 2 spells *** 175 Ice Rune 0.png/100 Poison Rune 0.png/

75 Blood Rune 0.png/30 Moon Rune 0.png/

25 Death Rune 0.png

tier 3 spells *4* 150 Ice Rune 0.png/50 Poison Rune 0.png/

30 Blood Rune 0.png/35 Moon Rune 0.png/

40 Death Rune 0.png

section total 675 Ice Rune 0.png/550 Poison Rune 0.png/

1045 Blood Rune 0.png/555 Moon Rune 0.png/

125 Death Rune 0.png

total so far *5* 2510 Ice Rune 0.png/1925 Poison Rune 0.png/1355 Blood Rune 0.png/615 Moon Rune 0.png/125 Death Rune 0.png

*The rune cost includes rebuilding a v2 station for damage. Note that legendaries give back a v1 station.

**Can be heavily reduced if using the darkness cap relic from Sibling Rivalry.

*** The missing spells from tier 2 spells should all be max level by now.

*4* 50k Darkness.png darkness cap, which requires ideally lvl 5 Darkness.png darkness cap spell. 10k base Darkness.png darkness cap + 11 Dark Stores L2.png v2 and 1 Dark Stores L5.png v5 (feat tier 14) Dark store with that spell and harpy will be enough even without any other bonuses. Note a lvl 1 darkness relic will reduce this to 10 Dark Stores L2.png v2, a lvl 4 relic will reduce this to 9 Dark Stores L2.pngv2 and a lvl 8 relic (which is not attainable for you just yet) would reduce this to 8 Dark Stores L2.png v2.

*5* This total doesn't account for the 2nd Lich.gif lich since you can technically complete all of this without it and this total will be reused later.

The Keeper

The The Keeper.gif keeper will appear in the Central Chamber at level 35. He will be essential for further progress. The first unlockable from this NPC is the time machine, which costs 25 Moon Rune 0.png moon and 25 Death Rune 0.png death runes.

Once you are at v40, have completed feat tier 16 and own 4 legendaries (2 lich, 1 gorgon, 1 harpy), you should use the time machine. If your level isn't capped at 40, you should refer to the section below (hopefully having not spawned your 2nd Lich.gif lich already).

The Keeper.gif

Here's a quote about the time machine (for the anxiety-prone) that can be read if you hit ''continue''. You would need to confirm twice past this point before you can actually mess up.

"You will keep all Relics, and any Skins and Lair Themes unlocked. The Cage and the Crate will remain at their current levels (and can be reclaimed for free). If you've purchased Golden Boosts or Remove Ads they will remain. You'll still be able to access any unlocked rooms. Aliens will remain unlocked, as will boosts purchased from them EXCEPT for the Inventor's experiments which will reset. Any boosts gained from Spirits will reset. Your main lair will be cleared (you'll lose items, stations, creatures - including legendaries) both in the lair and in storage. The Devourer will reset to lvl 1 and you'll lose any unlocks earnt through it. Your feats will also fully reset. If an event is active, it won't be affected and you'll still be able to access it." -The Small Print

Note: Some players have entertained the thought of remaining at max level and farm Gem 0.png gems and Coin 0.png gold due to the higher amount of Valuable Chest.png chests and thieves spawning at v40 than in the earlier levels. This is a horrible noob trap since higher level players will be able to reach new legendaries, minions and Forgotten Minions, which all grant discovery Gem 0.png gems. In addition, the leveling and feat rewards will more than compensate for the lost Gem 0.png gems and Coin 0.png gold incomes during that period. Staying at v40 here is a fool's errand. DO NOT do this.

Temporary minimum requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
Lich Lich.gif 560 Ice Rune 0.png 2 Rifts 25 Moon Rune 0.png/25 Death Rune 0.png
section total 560 Ice Rune 0.png/25 Moon Rune 0.png/25 Death Rune 0.png
total so far 3070 Ice Rune 0.png/1925 Poison Rune 0.png/1355 Blood Rune 0.png/640 Moon Rune 0.png/150 Death Rune 0.png

The Inventor

After using the time machine, the lair is reset and max level is set to 50. You will want to use the The Keeper.gif keeper twice for a total of 15 Time Shard.png time shards and unlock the 2nd NPC of the central lair, The Inventor.gif the inventor. These 15 Time Shard.png time shards are the reason why a 2nd Lich.gif lich was basically required before using the time machine (which will now be known as prestiging).

The Inventor.gif

Spending all the available Time Shard.png time shards with the inventor is mandatory after each prestige since it gives great bonuses, speeding up the playthrough by a large factor. This guide is not going to help on which inventions are best since there are already other guides for this. Dedicated strategies concerning inventions are mentioned here: time machine strategy.

Restarting after this prestige will have 3 important factors on top of inventions:

  • Body Snatcher.gif
    TheBody Snatcher.gif Body snatcher will allow you to kill a champion twice in a row which will facilitate feats that require to kill a specific champion twice. It also makes farming easier.
  • Forgotten Minions, although their spawn mechanics are quite limiting, will allow you to make a lot of extra progress, especially Hydra, Kraken, Siren, Faerie and Idol.
  • Serv-o: a 1 space invention that grants either: 10 Mana.png generation + 6k max Mana.png, 8 Slime.png generation + 4.5k max Slime.png , or 6 Darkness.png generation + 3k max Darkness.png; Serv-o will make a huge difference in terms of diminishing rune requirements for the cap feats and impact idle max caps for added benefits. This will change the rune requirements by a noticeable margin once relics are also applied, below shows the minimum requirements with and without serv-o (assuming no relics):
Serv-o improvements
lvls total without serv-o total with serv-o
total (11-20) 545 Ice Rune 0.png/240 Poison Rune 0.png/35 Blood Rune 0.png 535 Ice Rune 0.png/235 Poison Rune 0.png/35 Blood Rune 0.png
total (21-30) 1885 Ice Rune 0.png/1375 Poison Rune 0.png/310 Blood Rune 0.png/60 Moon Rune 0.png 1885 Ice Rune 0.png/1365 Poison Rune 0.png/305 Blood Rune 0.png/60 Moon Rune 0.png
total (31-40) 2510 Ice Rune 0.png/1925 Poison Rune 0.png/1355 Blood Rune 0.png/615 Moon Rune 0.png/125 Death Rune 0.png 2510 Ice Rune 0.png/1925 Poison Rune 0.png/1315 Blood Rune 0.png/595 Moon Rune 0.png/125 Death Rune 0.png

This Changes Everything! Part 1

Changes to the strategy from 31-40:

  • You will now want to make the Reaper.gif Reaper, Cyclops.gif Cyclops and Archdemon.gif Archdemon, they should therefore plan for Ice Rune 0.png ice, Poison Rune 0.png poison and Moon Rune 0.png moon runes farming short term and for Blood Rune 0.png blood and Death Rune 0.png death runes farming long term. This also means that one doesn't need to limit themselves to Lectern L4.png lectern v4, Fridge L4.png fridge v4 and Portal L2.gif portal v2 anymore. In fact, it is recommended not to stay at Lectern L4.png lectern v4 and Fridge L4.png fridge v4, and to actually reach Lectern L5.png lectern v5 first, leaving the other to v3, then reaching Fridge L5.png fridge v5 afterwards since banshees are the best way to spawn (and therefore farm) the Paladin.gif paladin. The order of making stations should be like so:

    Fridge L3.png fridge v3 => Lectern L5.png lectern v5 => Fridge L5.png fridge v5 => Harpy.gif Harpy => Portal L3.gif portal v3

  • You should now max all tier 3 spells as soon as possible.
  • Usage of theBody Snatcher.gif Body snatcher on the Paladin.gif paladin as soon as possible and as often as possible until one reaches enough Moon Rune 0.png moon runes is recommended. Other champions can be farmed this way as well.
  • Killing all champions until a player has at the very minimum the value from the below section is recommended.

Level 41–50 (Feat Tier 19 half-completed)


From v41 onwards, you will have 3 goals:

  • Reaching v44 ASAP for the next lair expansion and last one before a max 70 run. This makes a huge difference for farming champions.
  • Making the Reaper.gif Reaper, Cyclops.gif Cyclops and Archdemon.gif Archdemon. The latter should NOT be spawned until the last Protector.gif Protector is beaten (Portal L5.gif Portal v5 is the best damage source and is far too costly to remake right before prestiging). Note that the amount of runes required from 41-50 is almost the same as 1-40 and should take at least the same amount of time for now.
  • Protector.gif
    Acquiring as many Astro Coin 0.png AC (Astro Coins) and Energy Cube 0.png EC (Energy Cubes) as possible. This implies beating the v47-unlocked Protector.gif Protector (25k+ hp) a minimum of 3 times and keeping ALL non-maxed Astro Coin 0.png AC and Energy Cube 0.png EC piles until you prestige again. It may be useful to keep the Galactic Chest.png galactic chests instead of opening them unless other rewards let you feed max lvl piles to acquire space. If you complete feat tier 18 and still don't have at least 1 Energy Cube 1.png EC v1 and 1 Energy Cube 2.png EC v2 pile, you should consider beating a 4th Protector, although this is not obligatory and can take a very long time.

Arriving at feat tier 17, a feeling of dread should accompany you as you prepare to farm for countless hours for at least 1200 Moon Rune 0.png moon runes (see below table for required runes, although they don't include a Lectern L5.png lectern v5 and Fridge L5.png fridge v5 so if you have both, you are at least ahead by a little). This will be the most tedious part of the grind yet. In addition to beating manyPaladin.gif paladins, all other champions will be required in this section due to the unilateral requirements. Once the Reaper.gif Reaper has been spawned, it is heavily recommended to spawn another Lectern L5.png lectern v5 again for the upcoming grind (AKA you need 1550 Ice Rune 0.png ice and 620 Moon Rune 0.png moon runes before spawning the Reaper.gif Reaper). You may decide to spawn the Cyclops.gif Cyclops right after the Reaper.gif Reaper, making a Fridge L3.png fridge v3 and forfeiting one cravings slot until their next prestige if you want, this can be done if you are v45+ since only 1 Abomination L3.gif abomination-related craving appears past this level.

Crashed Saucer All L1.gif

After feat tier 17 is completed, you will unlock the Crashed Saucer All L1.gif crashed saucer. If you used your Cosmic Rune 0.png cosmic runes acquired thus far on the The Keeper.gif keeper, you will probably not be able to spawn one (the The Keeper.gif keeper costs 35 and the expected value from ALL the rewards is 53, so the average player will lack 2). You would need to wait for a chest leveling reward or worse, purchase one from the Merchant.png merchant or the shop. A few players have reported this happening to them and none recommend it. Only once you have spawned a Crashed Saucer All L1.gif crashed saucer at minimum should you think of investing on the The Keeper.gif keeper, but it would be advised to wait until you have acquired a lvl 3 Crashed Saucer All L1.gif saucer first, since the next NPC is absolutely useless short term.

Now that a Crashed Saucer All L1.gif crashed saucer is available, the grind continues. They spawn Alien Skeleton L1.gif undead aliens and the required resource will alternate between the 3, spawning either : Shade L4.gif shades,Ghoul L4.gif ghouls or Imp L4.gif imps materials on the side. This will syphon resources very quickly due to its high costs, especially Darkness.png darkness. However, Alien Skeleton L1.gif undead aliens will need to be spawned, they are a good source of Food.png food and runes but must be the final hit on a kill to spawn free runes. Alien Skeleton L3.gif alien v3 is probably the best darkness rune source in the game (Portal L5.gif portal grinding coming soon). Saucers v4 can spawn Guzzler 4.gif guzzlers but that requires more grinding which is not recommended for now. Note that you can abuse theBody Snatcher.gif Body snatcher to keep the Protector.gif Protector on the field nonstop until their third kill so spawning it once is good enough. Using the siren is also a valid strategy to spawn the Protector.gif Protector. Filling the lair with Imp L4.gif imps and doing chip damage with occasional Banshee L4.gif banshees and Ghoul L4.gif ghouls will prove most efficient to kill the third 650k hp Protector.gif Protector. If the player is still lacking in Death Rune 0.png death runes, it would be advisable to still kill Rival.gif rivals if they spawn in the lair while mass spawning Demon L3.gif demons for the Protector.gif Protector since a large amount of Death Rune 0.png death runes will be required soon either way.

Alien Skeleton L3.gif

The 200k resource cap should not be an issue for most players, although it will be annoying and will cost runes and space that you may not have to spare.

After feat tier 18 is completed, even if you are v50, you must not prestige yet. You have to make sure to earn the free Energy Cube 1.png EC v1 from the Crashed Saucer All L1.gif saucer color change feat and the free Cosmic Chest.png cosmic chest if you haven't done so already. You can also complete your grind for Portal L5.gif portals if you haven't done so prior to spawning the Protector.gif Protector. No special strategies here, Portal L5.gif portal v5 is great to spawn rivals. Altar L5.png Altar v5 can be remade here, if you haven't already, to speed up spawning clerics.

Once you are at level 50, completed half feat tier 19 and has 35 Cosmic Rune 0.png cosmic runes,you should read the section below.

Minimal requirements:
stations/legendaries runes stations/legendaries runes
Reaper* Reaper.gif 1950 Ice Rune 0.png/780 Moon Rune 0.png Cyclops** Cyclops.gif 1350 Poison Rune 0.png/540 Moon Rune 0.png
Archdemon*** Archdemon.gif 900 Blood Rune 0.png/900 Death Rune 0.png tier 3 spells - 110 Ice Rune 0.png/285 Poison Rune 0.png/

155 Blood Rune 0.png/245 Moon Rune 0.png/

95 Death Rune 0.png

section total *4* 2060 Ice Rune 0.png/1635 Poison Rune 0.png/1055 Blood Rune 0.png/1565 Moon Rune 0.png/ 995 Death Rune 0.png
total so far *4* 4570 Ice Rune 0.png/3560 Poison Rune 0.png/2410 Blood Rune 0.png/2180 Moon Rune 0.png/1120 Death Rune 0.png

*The rune cost includes rebuilding a lvl 5 station. Note that legendaries give back a lvl 1 station.

**The rune cost includes rebuilding a lvl 3 station. Note that legendaries give back a lvl 1 station.

***This is done at the very end of the playthrough so no extra rune cost needs to be added in.

*4* These sections are minimal values, but the player will obligatorily need to spend more due to the 200k combined resource cap requirement in feat tier 18. At this point, the amounts rely too much on available relics, inventions, available skins and events participation (even seasonal events will impact those values wildly). The optimal strategy remains to keep max cap items at lvl 2 until no more space is available. Preferably with both slime and darkness relics active and serv-o in the lair on mana. Needing to acquire ample runes after making Reaper.gif Reaper is the reason why you would need to spawn a Lectern L5.png lectern v5 again for Banshee L4.gif banshees mana generation, but it is not obligatory and could be farmed prior. The amount of Cosmic Rune 0.png cosmic runes you need is also not included since in principle a player can get by with just the free rewards and spawn aliens from a Crashed Saucer All L1.gif saucer v1 (especially with the appearance of the siren). My 200k cap only required as many runes as another max Mana Pool L6.png mana pool so that should be around the minimum requirement.

The Archeologist & Dietician


Once you are at level 50, completed half feat tier 19 and have 35 Cosmic Rune 0.png cosmic runes, you will no longer be able to progress in the current playthrough. You will want to use the The Keeper.gif keeper twice for a total of 35 Cosmic Rune 0.png cosmic runes, and unlock the 3nd NPC of the central lair, the Archaeologist.gif archeologist. This NPC is not really useful for now, but will be useful much later on. Since you are already pretty much at the end of your playthrough, you should now open all of your Galactic Chest.png Galactic Chest and merge all the resulting Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes and feed them to the Devourer to redeem them if that wasn't already done. You should have enough now to bring out the 4th NPC of the central lair, the The Dietician.gif Dietician. The next 750 Gem 0.png gems you collect should be going to this NPC's busted ability to restrict some annoying cravings to appear (mainly the egg spawns one). You have a non-zero chance of being able to unlock the 5th NPC right now, if that is the case, you may skip to the next section for a slight spoiler and instructions and then come back to read below advice.

Once you have made all the legendaries you can from your remaining runes and feel like you will earn enough Time Shard.png time shards, you can prestige towards your lvl 60 run. I would recommend 3 extra liches if possible.

This Changes Everything! Part 2

Changes to the strategy from 1-50:

  • Stab-o should now be unlocked. Its damage increases with every use, so it's recommended to use it as often as possible (ideally 2 times a day). Keep in mind that it won't refresh its usage unless it is in the lair. The max damage will deal a great blow (3 Demon L3.gif demons) to the Protector.gif Protector later on so don't forget to use it. The Paladin.gif paladin and Rival.gif rival will often be its favorite victims until it has to kill the Protector.gif Protector.
  • Craving blocks are now a thing. Here's the typical approach:
Block 1 is top priority, then 2, then 3 depending on available blocks.
lvl block 1 block 2 block 3
24 Spider L4.gif spiders Eye Monster L6.gif eye monsters Zombie L6.png zombies
27 Spider L4.gif spiders Werewolf L5.gif werewolves Eye Monster L6.gif eye monsters
33 Spider L4.gif spiders Snake L3.gif snakes Werewolf L5.gif werewolves
36 Spider L4.gif spiders Snake L3.gif snakes Bat L4.gif bats
42+ Spider L4.gif spiders Snake L3.gif snakes Golden Goose L2.gif golden geese
The Dietician.gif
  • Keep in mind that although this is a good approximation for most players, it's possible that the current lair would make some other cravings better to lock, example: if one doesn't have a Grave L2.png grave v2, and owns a Grave L5.png grave v5, it makes no sense to block Zombie L6.png zombies and keep Skeleton L7.gif skeletons.
  • At this point, you should have an abundant amount of space in early game due to crate and cage spaces. This should make it easy to always keep some damage dealers in the lair for upcoming champions. Most players will want to start their day with as many Snake L2.gif snakes v1 as possible to kill off the thieves and later merge them to kill Knight.gif knights/ Cleric.gif Clerics. It is also recommended to always keep all runes until they are maxed unless they prevent merging. You will also get more advantage from Forgotten Minions now that keeping them in the lair is less annoying spacewise.
  • Efficient relic usage at this point should shorten the playthrough by a significant factor since the relics should be at decent levels. The amount of relics might start to become unmanageable, so you will be tempted to purchase and upgrade the safe for more relic spaces. That isn't a bad idea but you should not buy more than immediately necessary since their Coin 0.png gold will become critical to purchase something later on. In the same vein, you should refrain from spending Coin 0.png gold on buying things from the Merchant.png merchant and shop unless absolutely necessary (something you should have been avoiding since the beginning). The same advice applies to Gem 0.pnggems.
  • You might be tempted to beat the Protector.gif Protector and open Galactic Chest.png galactic chests as soon as possible to earn the necessary Energy Cube 0.png energy cubes to unlock the next NPC, it's not an atrocious move but most players will prefer the caution of only feeding them at max level, just in case they would end up missing one in the end (that 15 Energy Cube 0.png EC cost would turn into a 20 Energy Cube 0.png EC cost then). You will have access to a Forgotten Minion at v55 (the trader) that lets you purchase Energy Cube 0.png EC but it's not all powerful, so it could become very expensive or difficult to reach the next optimal goal without prestiging again.

Following above strategies, you should be able to kill the Protector.gif Protector at least twice before v50. Once you have 3 Galactic Chest.png galactic chests, you can bet on your luck, or you can just wait for the Crashed Saucer All L1.gif saucer color feat to get a statistical chance to earn enough for a Energy Cube 3.png EC v3 stack. In any case, you will be 100% sure to reach 15 Energy Cube 0.png EC in this playthrough. Once you do, you should proceed to the next section. If you are unlucky, you simply should wait until v55 for the trader and if you are also poor in Coin 0.png gold, you can farm to v60 for the Energy Chest.png energy chest. All previous advices are valid for v51-60, but in addition, it's recommended not to level tier 4 spells too much this run.

The Architect

Once the player has 15 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes the player will want to use the The Keeper.gif keeper twice to unlock the 5th NPC of the central lair, the Architect.gif architect. This NPC will let you upgrade the cage, crate and safe size and grant you additional pedestals. As soon as the player is done upgrading the The Dietician.gif Dietician, they should poor all their gems (total of 750) onto the pedestals. Do not improve the cage and crate just yet under no circumstance. The safe size shouldn't be necessary at this point.

This Changes Everything! Part 3

The player can now get more pedestals. This allows the usage of more relics at once, which improves most things in the game.

Level 5x–60 (Feat tier 19 half-completed)

First objective: reach lvl 55. Get the Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins from the feat and level.

Second objective: knowing lvl 57 gives you 1 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins lvl 1 pile, calculate how many more you need to reach 100 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins. If that value is higher than what the trader can sell (19 total, 24 with a spare lvl 1 pile), the player is missing Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins. The player should consider beating a 4th Protector.gif Protector in that case. Otherwise, they should count how much gold they need from the below trades:

  • lvl 1 Astro Coins - Free Sample
  • lvl 1 Energy Cubes - 100 Gold Coins
  • lvl 2 Astro Coins - 250 Gold Coins
  • lvl 2 Energy Cubes - 500 Gold Coins
  • lvl 3 Astro Coins - 750 Gold Coins
  • lvl 3 Energy Cubes - 1,500 Gold Coins

If the player will have 110 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins, they can upgrade the Crate once. At 120, the Cage can also be upgraded once.

Third objective: reach lvl 60, get the Energy Chest.png Energy Chest. Open it and do the same thing for Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes as for Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins above. 25 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes are required here. If the difference is above what the trader can sell (19 total, 24 with a spare lvl 1 pile), the player should consider beating a 4th Protector.gif Protector.

Everything else beyond that is a repeat from lvl 50 run, with a slight increase in Time Shard.png time shards if the player prestiges now.

The Crossroads

There are 2 options for the player in this context:

  1. The player has 100 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and 25 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes, they can proceed to the next page section.
  2. The player doesn't have 100 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and 25 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes. Below conditions may overlap:
    • The player was reckless with their purchases;
    • The player didn't follow the guide;
    • The player was extremely unlucky;
    • The player doesn't have enough Coin 0.png gold to purchase the missing currencies;
    • The player is unwilling to beat enough Protector.gif Protector to acquire the missing currencies.
    • The player can't/doesn't want to spend real $$$ to purchase the galactic bundle from the shop.

Option 2 means the current run is over. The player needs to prestige as soon as they can with either 12 tier 1 legendaries equivalents or 6 depending on the amount of time they are willing to spend grinding (3 of which are already present in the lair). They then should speedrun to either lvl 47 to beat the Protector.gif Protector for missing currencies, lvl 55 for the trader or lvl 60 for the Energy Chest.png Energy Chest. Not the end of the world but a large time loss and a colossal loss in terms of free Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes. Everything that option 1 players can do right now, option 2 players will be able to do next prestige unless their run is a major trainwreck. In theory it is impossible to reach lvl 60 on a lvl 70 run without having enough unless the player has spent their currencies recklessly on the Archaeologist.gif archeologist and/or Architect.gif architect (which this guide forbade in the relevant sections).

Option 2 players should read the below section once they have 100 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and 25 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes on their next run.

The Surgeon

Once the player has 100 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins and 25 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes, the player will want to use the The Keeper.gif keeper twice to unlock the 6th NPC of the central lair, the The Surgeon.gif surgeon. Contrary to all previous NPCs after the The Keeper.gif keeper, this NPC is required to proceed onwards with the game. The player should immediately purchase the Robot Chicken.gif robo chicken. From now on, the player's next target will be the Cursed.gif Cursed for a total of 150 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins. With that in mind, the player can proceed until feat tier 21 and merge 7500 times for the free 12 Energy Cube 0.png Energy Cubes if they are in their lvl 60 run. If the player wants to, they can farm 225 cosmic runes for the next NPC already (see below).

The player will need to continue farming until feat 21 at this point. The most annoying feats will be a 400k resource combined cap and having all 6 champions in the lair at once, but the former is not essential, it's a simple cosmic chest reward at the end of the run to help you make a newly unlocked legendary, the shield bot.

First things first, once the player has amassed the necessary runes (960 ice runes and 480 poison runes total) to make a Robot Chicken.gif robo chicken, they should make it. This will unlock the telepad, a 30 blood runes and 30 moon runes station that spawns 3 cadets (1 at a time). Their hp is random and they give a few coins when they are killed. The ultimate reward for killing the 3 cadets is the telepad disappearing and leaving a cosmic chest as a reward. This will make a great but costly way to farm cosmic runes, especially since the player will now need to spawn the newly unlocked Shield Bot Mana.gif Shield Bot which is a total 640 cosmic runes, and the next NPC is 225 cosmic runes.

Now onto feat tier 20. If the player followed this wiki until now, they shouldn't already have the archdemon spawned. They can refrain from spawning it until they need the feat, which should be the last one they complete in this case. To get all 6 champions at once, there are a few strategies :

  • The most efficient one is to spawn a siren one day and another the next, farm for 4 champions (anyone will do, but the first unlocks are faster) and spawn them at roughly the same time, then use both sirens. This can be done with whatever amount of sirens but at this level sirens aren't coming back as frequently so this could be quite annoying. One could play 5 days in a row and never see a siren...
  • A mid strategy would be to simply spawn the protector first while trying to keep the % for other champions as high as possible so the player can spawn them in order opposite to unlock. This can be done relatively easily as long as the player doesn't clutter their lair with too many stations (the player can even choose to feed some to the devourer, altar lvl 2 and grave lvl 2 might not be too hard to remake if necessary, but don't feed those until knight and peasant are close to spawn), and feeds their minions as necessary.
  • One could also choose to level up to 67 if they are in their level 70 run to have ample space and do the above strategies, but the amount of grinding will be unreal.

Feeding 3 max level guzzlers shouldn't be too hard since a lvl 4 saucer only requires a total of 160 cosmic runes which should have already all been provided by the rewards so far. The player will likely want to invest into a lvl 5 saucer however to speed up the process. Feeding the guzzlers to 20k should be a breeze at this point, the cravings unfortunately don't count for guzzlers however.

Once the player reaches tier feat 21, they will want to check if they can reach 150 astro coins or not and if they are in their lvl 70 run or higher:

  • Not in the lvl 70 run : The cosmic chest reward is too useless to waste runes on at this point, it's better to waste 30 blood and moon runes than many legendaries' worth of runes to get 400k, unless the player is already close to that naturally. The player shouldn't stop farming until they reach the 7500 merges feat, they are max level and they have enough to get every single legendary available at least once and a few liches. Don't forget to unlock the last NPC if not done already before prestiging.
  • Not at 150 astro coins: Same as above but farming to lvl 70 will be quite the hassle. Make sure not to merge the shield bot until close to the end since guzzlers might make an appearance in the cravings and they can give a lot of food. The forgotten minion that uses it can also be useful. Cravings will be the largest source of food by a mile here. It's also recommended to have the 3 max robo chicken in the lair at this point for free food and damage and the time shards they will give.

If the player can proceed further here, they should farm through. It should take a large amount of time. The player can reach feat tier 22 which is the last one available in the game so far. They will need to complete the feats which shouldn't be too excruciating, for a valuable chest, 12 AC and 12 EC. Once they are ready at max lvl with a ton of legendaries and having unlocked the last NPC/ owning 225 cosmic runes, see below section.

The Stylist