Shield Bot

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Shield Bot is the eleventh of twelve Legendary creatures, residing in Group 4.
You may have a maximum of 3 Shield Bots.
It spawns by merging two level 5 Crashed Saucers.

Shield Bot can produce either Mana, Slime, or Darkness, depending on the current color of the Crashed Saucer.
It gives a +10% chance of minion survival during combat.
It gives a 30% Time Shard bonus. Having a Robo Chicken, Shield Bot, and Soul Stalker provides a 80% Time Shard bonus.

Appearance Shield Bot Mana.gif Shield Bot Slime.gif Shield Bot Darkness.gif
Produces Mana.png +25 Slime.png +20 Darkness.png +15


  • The total cost to summon a Shield Bot is 640 Cosmic Runes.
  • Shield Bot is the only legendary in the game that can produce more than one resource. The only other things in the game capable of this are Serv-O and The NecroMerger.