The Thief

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The Thief
Summon by merging things in the lair.
General info
Unlocked at
Devourer level 19


The Thief is a human character in the game that wears a medium brown cloak and has blonde hair. Their eyes are shrouded by their cloak, showing only their mouth on their face. They carry a large bag, presumably full of stolen goods, that takes up most of her sprite.


The Thief is like a champion, but she has a limited amount of spawns every day (which can be increased through spells), she can be spawned using any monster merging, and has random drops every time she arrives (Like a chest.) She can drop Small and Medium piles of Gems and Coins and the key to the Vault.

Coin 2.png

Coins lvl 2

Gem 1.gif

Gems lvl 1

Gem 2.gif

Gems lvl 2

Vault Key.png

Vault Key

Chance 50% 30% 20% Once


Below is a list of all dialog triggered by having or interacting with the Thief.

Trigger Speaker Dialogue
Picking up the Thief Thief Am I being pickpocketed?
Thief Could you put me down? I might drop something.
Thief You've got the wrong person, I didn't steal nothing.
Idle Thief What's in my bag? Nothing...
Thief Must have fallen off a cart.
Thief Nothing to see here.
Thief survives combat Thief Don't hurt me!
Thief Ouch!
Thief I'm a looter not a fighter!
Thief Violence is never the answer.