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The Cage is an item that can be bought from the shop for an initial price of 250 Gems. It stores up to 4 minions and can be upgraded further.

The Cage's counterpart, Crate, allows for storing of Items. The alien counterpart, Store-O, Has less slots but acts as both crate and cage.

Legendary creatures can not be put in the Cage, nor can the NecroMerger. Additionally, Guzzlers, Cherub, and Unicorn cannot be placed in the cage, as the guzzler would eat it, and the other 2 are too pure to be contained.

If the Cage is empty, it can be fed to the Devourer and reclaimed from the Shop at any time (given there is free space in the lair.) The same goes for prestiging.


You can buy additional cage slots using gems (+2 each time for 500/750/1000 gems) or use The Architect to buy 5 additional slots for. The maximum is 15 slots.