The Merchant

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The Merchant can appear in the lair up to three times a day where you can purchase one of three randomly selected items he is selling. An exclusive event skin can add one more daily spawn.

Apperance modifiers (per day)
Standard Spellbook Page 3 Deer Stone Skin
1x + 2x + 1x


You will always get offered one station, one chest and one misc item. You can buy one thing or feed him to The Devourer for 2 coins.

Following prices are as of version 1.4.

Stations Coin 0.png Cost Prerequisites RNG Weight
Mana Pool L2.png
Mana Pool L2 150 None 10
Slime Vat L2.png
Slime Vat L2 175 Unlocked Supply Cupboard 15
Dark Stores L2.png
Dark Store L2 200 Unlocked Altar 20
Grave L2.png
Grave L2 150 None 10
Supply Cupboard L2.png
Supply Cupboard L2 200 Unlocked Supply Cupboard 10
Altar L2.png
Altar L2 300 Unlocked Altar 20
Foul Chicken L2.gif
Foul Chicken L2 300 Unlocked Foul Chicken 15
Lectern L1.png
Lectern L1 500 Unlocked Lectern 20
Fridge L1.png
Fridge L1 600 Unlocked Fridge 25
Portal L1.gif
Portal L1 700 Unlocked Portal 30
Crashed Saucer All L1.gif
Crashed Saucer L1 350 Unlocked Crashed Saucer

Prestige 1 time

Telepad 300 Unlocked Telepad

Prestige 1 time



Chests Coin 0.png Cost Prerequisites RNG Weight
Ice Chest.png Ice Chest 100 None 10
Poison Chest.png Poison Chest 125 None 12
Blood Chest.png Blood Chest 150 Devourer lvl 20 15
Moon Chest.png Moon Chest 175 Devourer lvl 25 18
Death Chest.png Death Chest 200 Devourer lvl 30 18
Cosmic Chest.png Cosmic Chest 300 Devourer lvl 40

Prestige 1 time



Misc Items Coin 0.png Cost Prerequisites RNG Weight
Mana Potion L3.png
Mana potion L3 40 None 10
Slime Potion L3.png
Slime potion L3 40 Slime Unlocked 12
Darkness Potion L3.png
Darkness potion L3 40 Darkness Unlocked 15
Cauldron L1.gif
Cauldron 50 None 10
Steak 75 Devourer lvl 20 10
Ham 500 Devourer lvl 30 10
Roast Turkey.png
Roast Turkey 750 Devourer lvl 50 10
Club 40 Devourer lvl 32 15
Ray Gun.png
Ray Gun 100 Unlocked Crashed Saucer 15
Chicken Feed.png
Chicken Feed 125 Devourer lvl 15

Unlocked Foul Chicken

Paint Can.png
Paint Can 25 Unlocked Crashed Saucer 15


Below is a list of all dialog triggered by having or interacting with the Merchant.

Trigger Speaker Dialogue
Picking up the Merchant Merchant Don't drop my stuff!
Merchant If you want me to leave, just say.
Idle Merchant Wares for sale! Wares for sale!
Merchant Stuff for sale!
Merchant I need to see my chiropractor.
Merchant Tough work lugging this bag about.
Merchant Gold only. None of your shiny stones.
Merchant Not many customers about...