Robo Chicken

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The Robo Chicken is the tenth of twelve Legendary creatures, residing in Group 4.

It costs 50 Astro Coins to permanently unlock it from The Surgeon and spawns by merging two level 5 Foul Chicken. You may have a maximum of 3 Robo Chickens.

While the Robo Chicken lays Green, Red, and Golden Eggs like a regular level 5 Foul Chicken, The Robo Chicken can store up to 12 Eggs in its two cartons like a chest. These "eggs" act like how the chicken normally spawns eggs when they are used, so the Tip Stone's Chick skin's bonus makes it so that taking out one "egg" can give you two eggs on the board.

It gives a 20% Time Shard bonus. Having a Robo Chicken, Shield Bot, and Soul Stalker provides a 80% Time Shard bonus.

Components Produced

Level Time Produces
Robot Chicken.gif 30 Minutes Green Egg.png 30% Red Egg.png 60% Golden Egg.png 10%


  • The Robo Chicken is the only legendary minion that does not give back the station used. This is because the Robo Chicken replaces the station.


  • The total cost to summon a Robo Chicken is 960 Ice Runes and 480 Poison Runes.
  • Like a Lvl 5 Foul Chicken, occasionally drops "The Egg" worth 5 gems.
  • Robo Chicken is one of only 2 legendary minions that do not produce resources, the other being the Soul Stalker.