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The Spellbook offers semi-permanent upgrades in exchange for various Runes that reset upon prestige. You must unlock each of its 5 pages individually by reaching certain Devourer levels.


There are five pages in total.

  • Page 1 can be unlocked at Devourer Level 13
  • Page 2 can be unlocked at Devourer Level 25
  • Page 3 can be unlocked at Devourer Level 38
  • Page 4 can be unlocked at Devourer Level 58
  • Page 5 can be unlocked at Devourer Level 76

Page I: Devourer Level 13

Description Level Icons L1.png Level Icons L2.png Level Icons L3.png Level Icons L4.png Level Icons L5.png

Get more Food when feeding the Devourer.

Ice Rune 0.png 25

+5% increase

Poison Rune 0.png 15

+10% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 5
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+15% increase

More Magic.png
More Magic

Increase your Mana Cap.

Poison Rune 0.png 10

+5% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 25

+10% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 30
Poison Rune 0.png 15

+15% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 10
Poison Rune 0.png 30

+20% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 75

+25% increase

Lowly Champions.png
Lowly Champions

Make the Peasant and Knight spawn faster.

Ice Rune 0.png 10

+5% faster

Poison Rune 0.png 10

+10% faster

Ice Rune 0.png 50

+15% faster

Blood Rune 0.png 15
Poison Rune 0.png 30

+20% faster

Moon Rune 0.png 10
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+25% faster

Bigger Claws.png
Bigger Claws

Increase all Damage.

Blood Rune 0.png 5

+5% increase

Poison Rune 0.png 25

+10% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 75

+15% increase


Increase the NecroMerger's resources.

Ice Rune 0.png 15

+1 per resource

Poison Rune 0.png 20

+2 per resource

Blood Rune 0.png 10

+3 per resource

Fouler Chicken.png
Fouler Chicken

Increase all Chickens laying speed.

Poison Rune 0.png 15

3 minute reduction

Poison Rune 0.png 25
Ice Rune 0.png 50

6 minute reduction

Blood Rune 0.png 10
Poison Rune 0.png 20

9 minute reduction

Page II: Devourer Level 25

Description Level Icons L1.png Level Icons L2.png Level Icons L3.png Level Icons L4.png Level Icons L5.png

Get more Food when feeding the Devourer.

Poison Rune 0.png 25
Ice Rune 0.png 25

+10% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 20

+20% increase

Death Rune 0.png 10
Moon Rune 0.png 15

+30% increase

Oddles of Ooze.png
Oddles of Ooze

Increase your Slime Cap.

Poison Rune 0.png 10

+5% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 50

+10% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 10
Poison Rune 0.png 20

+15% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 75

+20% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 10
Blood Rune 0.png 10

+25% increase

Holy Champions.png
Holy Champions

Make the Cleric and Paladin spawn faster.

Ice Rune 0.png 50

+5% faster

Blood Rune 0.png 10
Poison Rune 0.png 30

+10% faster

Moon Rune 0.png 15
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+15% faster

Poison Rune 0.png 25

+20% faster

Death Rune 0.png 10

+25% faster

Tougher Jaws.png
Tougher Jaws

Increase all Damage.

Moon Rune 0.png 5
Poison Rune 0.png 25

+10% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 75

+20% increase

Death Rune 0.png 5
Blood Rune 0.png 20

+30% increase


Shades give more Dark Energy.

Blood Rune 0.png 5

+10% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 10

+20% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 15

+30% increase


Increase the Thief's daily spawns.

Moon Rune 0.png 15

+1 daily spawns

Poison Rune 0.png 25
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+2 daily spawns

Page III: Devourer Level 38

Description Level Icons L1.png Level Icons L2.png Level Icons L3.png Level Icons L4.png Level Icons L5.png

Get more Food when feeding the Devourer.

Moon Rune 0.png 20
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+15% increase

Death Rune 0.png 30

+30% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 30
Poison Rune 0.png 60

+45% increase

Dank Darkness.png
Dank Darkness

Increase your Darkness Cap.

Death Rune 0.png 10
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+5% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 20

+10% increase

Poison Rune 0.png 50
Ice Rune 0.png 100

+15% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 15
Blood Rune 0.png 30

+20% increase

Death Rune 0.png 30

+25% increase

Greater Rivals.png
Greater Rivals

Make the Rival spawn faster.

Ice Rune 0.png 100

+5% faster

Death Rune 0.png 15
Blood Rune 0.png 25

+10% faster

Moon Rune 0.png 30

+15% faster

Poison Rune 0.png 75
Ice Rune 0.png 75

+20% faster

Blood Rune 0.png 50

+25% faster


Increase all Damage.

Moon Rune 0.png 20

+15% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 30
Ice Rune 0.png 60

+30% increase

Death Rune 0.png 30

+45% increase


Increase the Merchant's daily spawns.

Poison Rune 0.png 100

+1 daily spawns

Death Rune 0.png 20

+2 daily spawns

For the Cause.png
For the Cause

Increase Cultist Damage and Food.

Blood Rune 0.png 20
Poison Rune 0.png 50

+250% increase

Death Rune 0.png 20

+500% increase

Page IV: Devourer Level 58

Description Level Icons L1.png Level Icons L2.png Level Icons L3.png Level Icons L4.png Level Icons L5.png

Get more Food from Cravings.

Moon Rune 0.png 20
Ice Rune 0.png 50

+20% increase

Cosmic Rune 0.png 75

+40% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 150
Poison Rune 0.png 250

+60% increase

Gargantuan Guzzlers.png
Gargantuan Guzzlers

Increase Guzzler's Food Cap.

Cosmic Rune 0.png 25
Death Rune 0.png 50

+25% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 100

+50% increase

Ice Rune 0.png 250

+100% increase

Enfeeble Protector.png
Enfeeble Protector

Lower the Protector's health.

Death Rune 0.png 50

-1% lower

Cosmic Rune 0.png 50

-2% lower

Moon Rune 0.png 75
Poison Rune 0.png 100

-3% lower

Blood Rune 0.png 100
Ice Rune 0.png 150

-4% lower

Cosmic Rune 0.png 50
Death Rune 0.png 100

-5% lower


Increase all Damage.

Blood Rune 0.png 100

+20% increase

Death Rune 0.png 50
Poison Rune 0.png 150

+40% increase

Cosmic Rune 0.png 100

+60% increase

Bounty Hunting.png
Bounty Hunting

Cadets give more Gold on defeat.

Cosmic Rune 0.png 25
Moon Rune 0.png 50

+1 Gold

Poison Rune 0.png 250

+2 Gold

Spell Superior Grind.png
Superior Grind

Increase Soul Grinders Speed.

Cosmic Rune 0.png 50

+10% increase

Death Rune 0.png 75

+15% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 100

+20% increase

Cosmic Rune 0.png 50
Blood Rune 0.png 150

+25% increase

New content below, information is currently under construction.

Page V: Devourer Level 76

Description Level Icons L1.png Level Icons L2.png Level Icons L3.png Level Icons L4.png Level Icons L5.png
Spell Icons 56x56 24.png
Huge Cravings

Get more Food from Cravings.

Cosmic Rune 0.png 50
Moon Rune 0.png 100

+25% increase

Poison Rune 0.png 250

+50% increase

Blood Rune 0.png 200

+75% increase

Spell Icons 56x56 25.png
Buff Cherubs

Increase Cherubs' Damage Cap.

Death Rune 0.png 75
Poison Rune 0.png 150

+25% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 100
Blood Rune 0.png 100

+50% increase

Cosmic Rune 0.png 100
Ice Rune 0.png 200

+100% increase

Spell Icons 56x56 26.png

Make all Champions spawn faster.

Death Rune 0.png 150

+5% faster

Poison Rune 0.png 250
Ice Rune 0.png 250

+10% increase

Spell Icons 56x56 27.png
Big Booms

Increase all Damage.

Blood Rune 0.png 150

+25% increase

Death Rune 0.png 75
Poison Rune 0.png 150

+50% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 150

+75% increase

Spell Icons 56x56 28.png
Alien Appearance

Increase the Body Snatcher's Daily spawns.

Cosmic Rune 0.png 150

+1 daily spawn

Spell Icons 56x56 29.png
Superior Shine

Increase Prisms' Speed.

Ice Rune 0.png 300


Death Rune 0.png 100
Poison Rune 0.png 200

+15% increase

Moon Rune 0.png 100
Blood Rune 0.png 150

+20% increase

Cosmic Rune 0.png 150

+25% increase