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Feats are a progression mechanic requiring you to complete four challenges per tier each with their own small reward and the entire tier bestowing a much larger overall reward, typically a new station to build or making a legendary available using a station you already own. On your first run through the game you will only have access to the first 16 tiers, with later tiers unlocking via the Prestige mechanic.

The highest Tier for Feats, as of now, is 22.

Feats 1 to 4

Tier 1 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks The Devourer
Task Reward
Bone.png Ice Rune 1.png
Create 5 Bones Ice Runes Lvl 1
Skeleton L1.gif Ice Rune 1.png
Summon a Skeleton Ice Runes Lvl 1
Ice Rune 2.png Ice Rune 2.png
Create a bigger Ice Rune pile Ice Runes Lvl 2
NecroMerger.png Ice Rune 2.png
Tap The NecroMerger 10 times Ice Runes Lvl 2

Tier 2 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Grave
Task Reward
Bone.png Mana Potion L1.png
Feed the Devourer a Bone Mana Potion Lvl 1
Ice Rune 0.png Mana Potion L1.png
Feed a rune pile to The Devourer Mana Potion Lvl 1
Skeleton L3.gif Ice Rune 2.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Skeleton Ice Runes Lvl 2
Devourer 1.png Ice Rune 3.png
Reach Devourer level 2 Ice Runes Lvl 3

Tier 3 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Mana Pool
Task Reward
NecroMerger.png Ice Rune 3.png
Merge things 50 times Ice Runes Lvl 3
Grave L2.png Mana Potion L2.png
Own a Lvl 2+ Grave Mana Potion Lvl 2
Skeleton L4.gif Poison Rune 2.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Skeleton Poison Rune Lvl 2
Devourer 2.png Ice Rune 3.png
Reach Devourer level 5 Ice Runes Lvl 3

Tier 4 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Cupboard
Task Reward
Mana Pool L1.png Ice Rune 3.png
Build a Mana Pool Ice RunesLvl 3
Ice Chest open.png Poison Rune 3.png
Open a Chest Poison Rune Lvl 3
Grave L3.png Mana Potion L3.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Grave Mana Potion Lvl 3
Zombie L3.png Poison Chest.png
Own a level 3+ Zombie Poison Chest

Feats 5 to 8

Tier 5 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Foul Chicken
Task Reward
Supply Cupboard L1.png Cauldron L1.gif
Build a Supply Cupboard Cauldron
Peasant.gif Ice Chest.png
Beat The Peasant twice Ice Chest
NecroMerger.png Poison Rune 3.png
Merge things 250 times Poison Rune Lvl 3
Eye Monster L5.gif Chicken Leg.png
Own a Lvl 5+ Eye Monster Chicken leg

Tier 6 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Slime Vat
Task Reward
Devourer 2.png Poison Chest.png
Reach Devourer level 10 Poison Chest
Mana Pool L3.png Mana Potion L3.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Mana Pool Mana Potion Lvl 3
Ice Chest open.png Gem 2.gif
Open 5 chests Gems Lvl 2
Spider L3.gif Poison Rune 3.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Spider Poison Rune Lvl 3

Tier 7 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Altar
Task Reward
Slime Vat L1.png Blood Rune 2.png
Build a Slime Vat Blood Rune Lvl 2
Mummy L4.gif Blood Chest.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Mummy Blood Chest
Knight.gif Poison Chest.png
Beat The Knight twice. Poison Chest
Supply Cupboard L3.png Slime Potion L3.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Supply Cupboard. Slime Potion Lvl 3

Tier 8 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Lich
Task Reward
SpellBook Button 0.png Cauldron L1.gif
Have researched 3 different spells Cauldron
Mana.png Blood Rune 2.png
Have a 50k+ Mana Cap Blood Rune Lvl 2
Foul Chicken L3.gif Chicken Leg.png
Own a Lvl 3+ Foul Chicken Chicken leg
Werewolf L1.gif Poison Rune 3.png
Have 5 Werewolves die in combat Poison Rune Lvl 3

Feats 9 to 12

Tier 9 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Dark Stores
Task Reward
Thief.gif Gem 3.gif
Beat the Thief twice Gems Lvl 3
Devourer 2.png Blood Rune 3.png
Have reached Devourer level 20 Blood Rune Lvl 3
Grave L4.png Blood Chest.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Grave Blood Chest
NecroMerger.png Steak.png
Merge things 500 times. Steak

Tier 10 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Gorgon
Task Reward
SpellBook Button 0.png Poison Chest.png
Have researched 6 different spells Poison Chest
Bat L4.gif Moon Rune 2.png
Own a Lvl 4 Bat Moon Runes Lvl 2
Snake L1.gif Blood Chest.png
Have 5 Snakes die in combat Blood Runes Lvl 3
Supply Cupboard L4.png Blood Chest.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Supply Cupboard Blood Chest

Tier 11 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Lectern
Task Reward
Lich.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own the Lich Valuable Chest
Cleric.gif Blood Chest.png
Beat The Cleric twice Blood Chest
Slime Vat L4.png Steak.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Slime Vat Steak
Ice Chest open.png Moon Rune 2.png
Open 25 chests Moon Runes Lvl 2

Tier 12 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Harpy
Task Reward
Shade L3.gif Moon Rune 3.png
Feed 5 Lvl 3 Shades to The Devourer Moon Runes Lvl 3
Slime.png Blood Rune 3.png
Have a 50k+ slime cap Blood Runes Lvl 3
Altar L4.png Ham.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Altar Ham
NecroMerger.png Moon Chest.png
Merge things 1,000 times Moon Chest

Feats 13 to 16

Tier 13 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Fridge
Task Reward
Gorgon.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own the Gorgon Valuable Chest
Merchant.png Coin 4.png
Make 2 trades with the Merchant Coins Lvl 4
SpellBook Button 0.png Blood Chest.png
Have researched 12 different spells Blood Chest
Devourer 3.png Moon Chest.png
Have reached Devourer level 30 Moon Chest

Tier 14 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Reaper
Task Reward
Tablet Button 0.png Death Rune 2.png
Summon a forgotten minion Death Runes Lvl 2
Golden Goose L2.gif Coin 4.png
Feed a Lvl 2 Golden Goose to The Devourer. Coins Lvl 4
Paladin.gif Moon Chest.png
Beat The Paladin twice. Moon Chest
Dark Stores L5.png Moon Rune 3.png
Own a Lvl 5+ Dark Stores. Moon Runes Lvl 3

Tier 15 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Portal
Task Reward
Harpy.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own the Harpy Valuable Chest
Abomination L3.gif Moon Chest.png
Feed a Lvl 3 Abomination to The Devourer. Moon Chest
Lectern L4.png Ham.png
Own a Lvl 4+ Lectern Ham
NecroMerger.png Death Rune 3.png
Merge things 2,500 times Death Runes Lvl 3

Tier 16 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Cyclops
Task Reward
Rival.gif Death Chest.png
Beat The Rival twice Death Chest
Devourer 3.png Death Rune 3.png
Have reached Devourer level 40 Death Runes Lvl 3
Darkness.png Ham.png
Have a 50k+ Darkness Cap. Ham
Imp L4.gif Moon Chest.png
Feed 5 Lvl 4 Imps to The Devourer Moon Chest

Feats 17 to 20

Tier 17 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Crashed Saucer
Task Reward
Tablet Button 0.png Cosmic Rune 2.png
Summon 5 forgotten minion Cosmic Runes Lvl 2
Reaper.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own the Reaper Valuable Chest
SpellBook Button 0.png Death Chest.png
Have researched 18 spells to at least level 1 Death Chest
Demon L1.gif Cosmic Chest.png
Have 5 Demons die in combat Cosmic Chest

Tier 18 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Archdemon
Task Reward
Cyclops.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own a Cyclops Valuable Chest
Alien Skeleton L1.gif Cosmic Chest.png
Have 3 Undead Aliens win fights Cosmic Chest
NecroMerger.png Astro Coin 3.png
Have a combined Resource Cap of 200k+ Astro Coins Lvl 3
NecroMerger.png Cosmic Rune 3.png
Merge things 5,000 times Cosmic Runes Lvl 3

Tier 19 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Telepad
Task Reward
Robot Chicken.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own the Robo Chicken Valuable Chest
Crashed Saucer All L1.gif Energy Cube 1.png
Change the Crashed Saucer's colours 5 times. Energy Cube Lvl 1
Devourer 4.png Astro Coin 3.png
Have reached Devourer level 55 Astro Coins Lvl 3
Protector.gif Cosmic Chest.png
Have beaten The Protector twice this run. Cosmic Chest

Tier 20 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Shield Bot
Task Reward
Archdemon.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own an Archdemon Valuable Chest
Cadet 2.gif Energy Cube 2.png
Beat 9 Cadets Energy Cube Lvl 2
Lowly Champions.png Valuable Chest.png
Have all Champions in the lair at the same time. Valuable Chest
Guzzler 4.gif Astro Coin 3.png
Feed 3 full Guzzlers to The Devourer Astro Coins Lvl 3

Feats 21 and 22

Tier 21 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Soul Grinder
Task Reward
Cursed.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own The Cursed, The Colossus or The Infernal Valuable Chest
Devourer 4.png Galactic Chest.png
Have reached the Devourer level 65 Galactic Chest
NecroMerger.png Energy Cube 2.png
Merge things 7,500 times. Energy Cubes Lvl 2
NecroMerger.png Cosmic Chest.png
Have a combined Resource Cap of 400k+ Cosmic Chest

Tier 22 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Soul Stalker
Task Reward
Shield Bot Mana.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own a Shield Bot Valuable Chest
Soul Grinder L1.gif Time Piece L1.png
Feed 5 lvl 3 Peaceful Souls to The Devourer Time Piece Lvl 1
Devourer 4.png Galactic Chest.png
Have reached Devourer level 75. Galactic Chest
NecroMerger.png Energy Cube 3.png
Have researched all Spells to at least lvl 1 Energy Cube Lvl 3

Feats 23 to 25

Tier 23 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Prism
Task Reward
Ice Chest open.png Gem 3.gif
Open 100 Chests. Gems Lvl 3
Ghost Evil L3.gif Energy Cube 3.png
Feed 3 lvl 3 Vengeful Spirits to the Devourer. Energy Cube Lvl 3
Telepad.png Cosmic Chest.png
Destroy 9 Telepads. Cosmic Chest
Tablet Button 0.png Astro Coin 3.png
Have 5 Forgotten Minions in the lair at the same time. Astro Coins Lvl 3

Tier 24 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Unstable Rift
Task Reward
Soul Stalker.gif Valuable Chest.png
Own a Soul Stalker. Valuable Chest
Cherub D.gif Time Piece L1.png
Have 5 max Damage Cherubs fight. Time Piece Lvl 1
Devourer 4.png Astro Coin 3.png
Have reached Devourer level 85. Astro Coins Lvl 3
NecroMerger.png Cosmic Chest.png
Merge things 10,000 times. Cosmic Chest

Tier 25 Feats


Completing this tier unlocks the Unexpected Parcel
Task Reward
Unstable Rift.png Time Piece L1.png
Use the Unstable Rift 5 times. Time Piece Lvl 1
Devourer 4.png Astro Coin 3.png
Have reached Devourer level 95. Astro Coins Lvl 3
Unicorn.png Gem 3.gif
Merge 3 Unicorns with other minions. Gems Lvl 3
SpellBook Button 0.png Energy Chest.png
Max out all spells. Energy Chest