The NecroMerger

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The NecroMerger is the first character you encounter in the game and serves as your main guide.


A dark wizard.
Info page
Produces resources passively. He can also be tapped to instantly make resources. Doing so too much tires him out.


The NecroMerger passively produces a resource every 10 seconds. The resources he can produce depend on the Devourer's level:

The NecroMerger does not produce Mana, Slime, and Darkness simultaneously; each time he produces a resource, it's randomly determined which one will be produced. This random determination skips over resources that are currently capped. For example, if the NecroMerger can produce all three resources, but there's no room to store more Mana or Darkness, then each time he produces a resource, he'll always land on Slime.

The NecroMerger can be forced to produce resources more quickly by tapping on him. After 250 taps, he will need to rest for 10 seconds. The next 250 taps require 20 seconds of rest, and so on. This resets every day. It seems to be scaled somewhat exponentially, as after several rounds, the refresh timer becomes very long. During rests, the NecroMerger will continue to passively produce resources.

Production amounts

There are two methods of increasing the NecroMerger's resource production:

  • The NecroMaster spell. Three ranks, increases resources by 1, 2, or 3.
  • The Disco Stone skin for the Tip Stone. Increases resources by 2.

The following table lists the NecroMerger's production amounts with the different upgrades.

NecroMaster level Without Disco Stone With Disco Stone
0 Mana.png 5 / Slime.png 3 / Darkness.png 1 Mana.png 7 / Slime.png 5 / Darkness.png 3
1 Mana.png 6 / Slime.png 4 / Darkness.png 2 Mana.png 8 / Slime.png 6 / Darkness.png 4
2 Mana.png 7 / Slime.png 5 / Darkness.png 3 Mana.png 9 / Slime.png 7 / Darkness.png 5
3 Mana.png 8 / Slime.png 6 / Darkness.png 4 Mana.png 10 / Slime.png 8 / Darkness.png 6


  • The NecroMerger resembles Sid from Idle Apocalypse. This is referenced in multiple pieces of dialogue, as well as the Sid skin for the NecroMerger.


  • On initial summoning of The Keeper in the Central Chamber, the resulting conversation implies that the NecroMerger tried numerous times to destroy the world and even ran a cult to do so. This implies that the NecroMerger is an alternate timeline version of Sid, where instead of running a cult he was given a lair and devourer egg by aliens to try and destroy the world through it.


Below is all the dialogue of the Necromerger and how to trigger it.

Action Character Dialogue
Pick up another object NecroMerger What to do with it...
NecroMerger Don't drop it.
NecroMerger Careful with that!
NecroMerger Decisions, decisions...
NecroMerger What to do, what to do...
Pick up a Station NecroMerger This might look better over here...
NecroMerger Lift with your back.
Pick up a minion NecroMerger Are you hungry, tadpole?
NecroMerger Is it feeding time?
NecroMerger Careful! It's wriggling.
Pick up a chest or currency pile NecroMerger Careful! That's valuable!
Pick up the NecroMerger NecroMerger Put me down, fool.
NecroMerger I'm in charge here.
NecroMerger Unhand me!
NecroMerger Put me down! Gently please!
NecroMerger The indignity!
NecroMerger Release me! I am the NecroMerger!
Attack with a Minion but not defeat the target NecroMerger A noble sacrifice.
NecroMerger I have more.
NecroMerger Take that.
Attack but not defeat the Peasant NecroMerger Suppress the peasantry!
NecroMerger That showed him.
NecroMerger I've got more monsters.
Attack but not defeat the Knight NecroMerger Destroy the aristocracy!
NecroMerger She didn't like that.
NecroMerger She's tough, but we'll get her.
Attack but not defeat the Cleric NecroMerger She's a zealot! Get her!
NecroMerger Take her down!
NecroMerger Get her! Before she mentions that Goddess again.
Attack but not defeat the Paladin NecroMerger You're no 'pal' of mine.
NecroMerger Kick him where it hurts!
NecroMerger Next volunteer!
Attack but not defeat the Rival NecroMerger There's only one NecroMerger.
NecroMerger All's fair in love and war.
NecroMerger Get her!
Defeat the Peasant NecroMerger Phew! Got rid of the stink.
NecroMerger That rabble will return.
Defeat the Knight NecroMerger Good 'night' to her.
NecroMerger Like my spots... these champions keep coming back.
Defeat the Cleric NecroMerger Guess her Goddess didn't save her.
NecroMerger She'll be back. Religious nuts never leave me alone.
Defeat the Paladin NecroMerger Crusade over.
NecroMerger That brute will be back. Stupid never stays away.
Defeat the Rival NecroMerger Aw... I kinda liked her.
NecroMerger She'll be back, hell wouldn't have her.
Feed a Skeleton NecroMerger Watch out for the bones.
NecroMerger A good source of calcium!
Feed a Zombie NecroMerger I hope that was safe to eat.
NecroMerger That might have expired.
Feed an Eye Monster NecroMerger Remember to spit out the eyes!
Feed a Mummy NecroMerger No! Was that my mummy?
NecroMerger Don't swallow the bandages!
Feed a Spider NecroMerger It'll wriggle and wiggle and tiggle inside ya.
Feed a Snake NecroMerger I hope that wasn't poisonous.
Feed a Goose NecroMerger You'll have shiny poop!
Feed a Bat NecroMerger Not sure if eating bats is a good idea.
Feed a Werewolf NecroMerger Watch out for the fangs!
NecroMerger You're going to have hair balls now.
Feed a Shade NecroMerger You need to eat something more substantial.
Feed a Banshee NecroMerger Bound to give indigestion.
Feed a Ghoul NecroMerger Tastes like chicken.
Feed an Abomination NecroMerger Finally, a decent meal!
Feed an Imp NecroMerger That was fiendish.
Feed a Demon NecroMerger Demonic!
Feed a Potion NecroMerger Drink your medicine.
Feed a Chest NecroMerger I was going to use that!
Feed a currency pile NecroMerger Ka-ching.
Feed a rune pile NecroMerger How exactly do I collect the runes?
Feed a Chick Leg NecroMerger I hope that was free range.
Feed a Steak NecroMerger Medium-rare for me.
Feed a Ham NecroMerger Save me some crackling.
Feed a Red or Green egg NecroMerger Scrambled, poached or fried?
Feed a Golden Egg NecroMerger There goes my nest egg.
NecroMerger That looked expensive.
Feed The Egg NecroMerger #theeggisalie
Feed a Station NecroMerger I probably needed that.
NecroMerger I was rather attached to that.
Feed the Peasant NecroMerger The rabble is delicious.
Feed the Knight NecroMerger A noble meal.
Feed the Cleric NecroMerger I guess her Goddess didn't save her.
Feed the Paladin NecroMerger That ends that crusade.
Feed the Rival NecroMerger There is only room for one.
Feed the Thief NecroMerger That scrounger had it coming.
Feed the Merchant NecroMerger No peddlers or hawkers.
Feed the Frozen Minion NecroMerger I could have warmed it in the oven.
Feed Toilet Paper NecroMerger It might wipe on its way down?
Feed Leftovers or Take out NecroMerger Junk food!
Feed the Cage NecroMerger Now where will I keep my things?
Feed the Crate NecroMerger Now where will I keep my valuables?
Feed anything NecroMerger Was that tasty?
NecroMerger Need to fatten you up.
Attempt to feed the NecroMerger NecroMerger No eating Mummy!
NecroMerger Thank you for not eating Mummy!
Fail to feed a station NecroMerger Thank you for not eating Mummy's things.
NecroMerger Phew. That was antique.
Attempt to feed Lich NecroMerger Do not eat the Lich!
Attempt to feed Gorgon NecroMerger Remember! Gorgon makes you poorly!
Attempt to feed Harpy NecroMerger That's not chicken!
Attempt to feed Reaper NecroMerger Do not eat the Reaper!
Attempt to feed Cyclops NecroMerger I know it looks tasty, but it's too much!
Attempt to feed Archdemon NecroMerger That's too spicy for you!
Merge Grave NecroMerger Spooky!
Merge Supply Cupboard NecroMerger More shelf space!
Merge Foul Chicken NecroMerger All we need... a bigger chicken...
Merge Altar NecroMerger Perfect for sacrifices.
Merge Lectern NecroMerger Something to read?
Merge Fridge NecroMerger Do we even have electricity?
Merge Portal NecroMerger Better not go through it.
Merge Mana Pool NecroMerger More Mana!
Merge Slime Vat NecroMerger More Slime!
Merge Dark Stores NecroMerger More Darkness!
Merge Skeleton NecroMerger Another skeleton for my army.
Merge Zombie NecroMerger Arise zombie.
Merge Eye Monster NecroMerger I need more eyes on things.
Merge Mummy NecroMerger Mummy? Is that you?
Merge Werewolf NecroMerger Is it a full moon?
Merge Bat NecroMerger Fly my fiend!
Merge Shade NecroMerger Go ghost!
Spawn Bones NecroMerger Graves are full of useful things!
Spawn Ribcage NecroMerger Rack of ribs?
Spawn Rotten Flesh NecroMerger My pound of flesh...
Spawn Severed Hand NecroMerger Handy...
Spawn Eyeball NecroMerger 'Eye' was looking for that.
Spawn Eye Jar NecroMerger I keep most body parts in jars.
Spawn Toilet Paper NecroMerger Plush for your comfort.
Spawn Wing NecroMerger I prefer my wings deep fried.
Spawn Pair of Wings NecroMerger I prefer my wings deep fried.
Spawn Scroll NecroMerger Is that my grocery list?
Spawn Lesser Tome NecroMerger Ah! My unfinished novel!
Spawn Greater Tome NecroMerger Light reading.
Spawn Leftovers NecroMerger This might have gone bad...
Spawn Take Out NecroMerger This might have gone bad...
Spawn Bag of Parts NecroMerger Ah! A bag of bits.
Spawn Crate of Parts NecroMerger Ooo a crate of bits...
Spawn Ring NecroMerger My precious...
Spawn Bangle NecroMerger That was my mother's...
Spawn Lvl 1 Gem Pile NecroMerger Ooo shiny!
Spawn Lvl 2 Gem Pile NecroMerger So shiny!
Spawn Lvl 1 Gold Pile NecroMerger Money!
Spawn Lvl 2 Gold Pile NecroMerger Money! Money! Money!
Tap the Necromerger NecroMerger Ouch!
NecroMerger Stop it!
NecroMerger Ow!
NecroMerger Hands off!
Idle NecroMerger Mummy loves his tadpole.
NecroMerger We're all someone's experiment.
NecroMerger To think... one day you will devour the world.
NecroMerger Does the lair look a little dingy?
Nah, it's perfect!
NecroMerger I prefer to think of dark magic as alternative magic.
NecroMerger I'm so proud, little tadpole.
NecroMerger Heh, for some reason I thought my robes were red...
NecroMerger I have no need for names... I am the NecroMerger!
NecroMerger The staff beats the sword every time.


The NecroMerger's skin can be changed by selecting him, then tapping the "i" button next to his name. Each unlocked skin grants a permanent bonus.

Skin Name Bonus Unlock requirement
NecroMerger.png Classic None. None; this is the default skin.
NecroMerger Wizard.png Wizard +2,000 Mana Cap. Purchase from the shop for 500 Coin 0.png Gold.
NecroMerger Oozing.png Oozing +2,000 Slime Cap. Purchase from the shop for 1,000 Coin 0.png Gold.
NecroMerger Sid.png Sid +2,000 Darkness Cap. Purchase from the shop for 1,500 Coin 0.png Gold.
NecroMerger Assassin.png Assassin +10% Damage. Purchase from the shop for 250 Gem 0.png Gems.
NecroMerger Merged.png Merged +10% Food when feeding the Devourer. Purchase from the shop for 500 Gem 0.png Gems.
NecroMerger Steampunk.png Steampunk All Champions spawn 5% faster. Purchase from the shop for 750 Gem 0.png Gems.
NecroMerger Alien.png Alien +10% Guzzler Food Cap. Purchase from The Stylist for 1000 Time Shard.png Time Shards.
NecroMerger Baby.png Baby +5% Time Shards from the Time Machine. Purchased from The Stylist for 25 Astro Coin 0.png Astro Coins.
NecroMerger Beekeeper.png Beekeeper +10% Food from Cravings. Gain 500 million score during a single run of NectarMerger.
NecroMerger Enid.png Enid +10% Damage. Gain 3 million score during a single run of Sibling Rivalry.
Dino Skin.png Dino All Champions spawn 5% faster. Gain 10 thousand score during a single run of Dinosnores.
NecroMerger Birthday.png Birthday +5% Slime Cap. Purchase from the Life's a Beach's reward store for 1000 Birthday Candle.png Birthday Candles.
NecroMerger Witch.png Witch +5% Darkness Cap. Purchase from the Hocus Pocus's reward store for 1000 Vile Brew.png Vile Brews.
NecroMerger Santa.png Santa +5% Mana Cap. Purchase from the Sleigh Down's reward store for 1000 Present.png Present.
Does nothing.
NecroMerger Wizard.png
+2000 Mana Cap.
NecroMerger Oozing.png
+2000 Slime Cap.
NecroMerger Sid.png
+2000 Darkness Cap.
NecroMerger Assassin.png
+10% Damage.
NecroMerger Merged.png
+10% Food when feeding the Devourer.
NecroMerger Steampunk.png
All Champions spawn +5% faster.
NecroMerger Alien.png
+10% Guzzler Food Cap.
NecroMerger Baby.png
+5% Time Shards from the Time Machine.
NecroMerger Beekeeper.png
+10% Food from Cravings.
NecroMerger Enid.png
+10% Damage.
Dino Skin.png
All Champions spawn +5% faster.
NecroMerger Birthday.png
+5% Slime Cap.
NecroMerger Witch.png
+5% Darkness Cap.
NecroMerger Santa.png
+5% Mana Cap.