Sleigh Down

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Sleigh Down

Disclaimer: This article is a work in process.

The Sleigh Down Event is the Christmas event. The Currencies include Candy Canes and Presents. Earning Presents is the goal of the event and they can be used to purchase rewards such as Skins and Relics

The Sleigh Down event occurs from December 14th to December 27th. and lasts 13 days.


Presents are the main Currency in the Sleigh down event. They are used to purchase rewards in the Sleigh down Shop.

Presents are earned by placing gifts in the Sleigh or purchased from the Sleigh down Shop (200 daily) for 50 gems

Bonus presents are awarded when you complete an order by placing a requested present(s) in the Sleigh. The number of bonus presents awarded increases every 5 orders

Candy Canes

Candy Canes are the first resource of the event. They are used to clear now piles and purchase stations. The event begins with 20 Snow piles, each can be cleared for 5 Gems. The cost to clear them start at 5 Candy Canes and goes up by 5 Candy Canes each time.

Candy Canes can also be used to instantly fully refill empty stations, with the price of this increasing with each refill (25/50/75/100, capping at 100), and resetting each day.

Candy Canes can be earned by merging in the main lair, using Stockings and from Carollers.

The Stockings are event stations. They produce one Candy Cane every 15 minutes and can store up to 100 Candy Canes.

You begin the event with 1 Stocking and can purchase more for 250 gems

Every merge in the main game has a chance to make a Candy Cane. As you make more Candy Canes, your chances drop. This resets each day.

Candy Canes Earned this day Chance
0-24 50%
25-49 25%
50-74 20%
75-99 10%
100-124 5%
125-149 2%
150+ 1%


The Caroller appears in the main lair twice a day after making enough merges.

The Player has the option to feed the Caroller to the Devourer granting 25 Candy Canes, or can watch an Ad to receive 50 Candy Canes instead.


Stations produce gifts. They are bought using Candy Canes in the Stations tab. The first station is available at the beginning of the event, the next ones need to be unlocked by completing orders. Some stations can be bought multiple times, if so the cost increases each time.

When bought a Station comes with max storage.

Station Unlock Cost Time of production (Max storage) Gifts Produced
Stocking Immediately 1st: Free
2nd: 250
3rd: 250
15 Min. (100) Candy Canes - 100%
Coal Mine Immediately 1st: 100 30 Min. (20) Coal Dust - 85%
Zirconia - 15%
Xmas Tree 5 completed recipes 1st: 150
2nd: 300
3rd: 500
1 Hr. (10) Partridge - 50%
Creepy Doll - 40%
Genuine 24K Ring - 10%
Fire Place 15 completed recipes 1st: 300
2nd: 400
1 Hr. 30 Min. (8) Teddy Bear - 70%
Coal - 30%
Hamper 25 completed recipes 1st: 500 45 Min. (12) Cookie - 50%
Turtle Dove - 30%
Orange - 20%
Toy Box 35 completed recipes 1st: 400
2nd: 600
1 Hr. (10) Cup and String - 40%
Creepy Pram - 30%
"Bear" - 30%
Giant Cracker 50 completed recipes 1st: 500
2nd: 750
1 Hr. 30 Min. (8) French Hen - 20%
Coal Lump - 20%
Incomplete Jigsaw - 20%
Mince Pie - 20%
Pickled Marmalade - 20%
Snowman 65 completed recipes 1st: 1000 2 Hr. (5) Snowball - 70%
Top Hat - 30%

Requested Items

Below is a list of all requested gifts by the sleigh in order.

Requested Item(s) Quantity Present Reward
Coal 1 25
Coal Lump 1 25
Coal 3 25
Genuine 24K Ring 1 25
Green Gift Wrap 1 25
Turtle Dove 1 30
"Diamond" Tiara 1 30
Doll 2 30
Coal Lump 3 30
Partridge 3 30
Pram 2 35
Genuine 24K Ring 3 35
Wrapped Coal 1 35
Wrapped Dollhouse 1 35
French Hen 1 35
Teddy 1 40
"Diamond" Tiara 2 40
Teddy Bear 1 40
Wrapped Coal 3 40
Wrapped Dollhouse 2 40
"Bear" 1 45
Calling Bird 1 45
Genuine 24K Ring 5 45
Wrapped Coal 2 45
Wrapped "Bear" 1 45
Cookie 1 50
Orange 1 50
Wrapped Dollhouse 3 50
Mince Pie 1 50
Wrapped "Bear" 2 50
French Hen 3 60
Trifle 1 60
Pickled Marmalade 1 60
Pram 7 60
Wrapped Coal 3 60
Cup and String 1 70
Goose 1 70
Wrapped "Bear" 3 70
Christmas Pudding 1 70
Puzzle 1 70
"Diamond" Tiara 3 80
Wrapped Coal 4 80
Board Game 1 80
Trifle 3 80
Pickled Marmalade 2 80
Swan 1 90
Wrapped Dollhouse 4 90
"Diamond" Tiara 4 90
Wrapped "Bear" 4 90
Wrapped Board Game 1 90
Wrapped Coal 5 100
Christmas Pudding 2 100
Pickled Marmalade 3 100
Puzzle 5 100
Goose 3 100
Wrapped Dollhouse 5 120
Genuine 24K Ring 9 120
Wrapped Coal 6 120
Wrapped "Bear" 5 120
Board Game 3 120
Trifle 5 140
Pickled Marmalade 4 140
Wrapped Dollhouse 6 140
Wrapped Board Game 2 140
Swan 2 140
Snow Ball 1 160
Wrapped Coal 7 160
Wrapped "Bear" 6 160
Warmed Snow 1 160
"Diamond" Tiara 5 160
Wrapped Dollhouse 7 180
Christmas Pudding 3 180
Top Hat 1 180
Pickled Marmalade 5 180
Snow Ball 3 180
Wrapped Board Game 3 200
Wrapped "Bear" 7 200
Swan 3 200
Top Hat 2 200
Wrapped Coal 8 200
Warmed Snow 2 225
Christmas Pudding 4 225
Pickled Marmalade 6 225
Wrapped Dollhouse 8 225
"Diamond" Tiara 6 225
Warmed Snow 3 250
Top Hat 3 250
Wrapped Board Game 4 250
Wrapped "Bear" 8 250
Pickled Marmalade 7 250
Swan 4 275
Wrapped Coal 9 275
Top Hat 4 275
Christmas Pudding 5 275
Wrapped Dollhouse 9 275
Warmed Snow 4 300
Pickled Marmalade 8 300
"Diamond" Tiara 7 300
Wrapped Board Game 5 300
Swan 5 300


Disclaimer: This article is a work in process.