Hocus Pocus

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Hocus Pocus.png

The Hocus Pocus Event is the Halloween event. The Currencies include Candy and Vile Brew. Vile Brew is the goal of the event and can be used to purchase rewards such as Skins and Relics.

In 2023, the event begins on October the 21st, and lasts 13 days, ending on November the 1st at midnight.


Candy is the first resource of the event. They can be used as follows:

  • Clearing Thorns: The event begins with 20 Thorns. You can spend Candy to remove them at the cost of 5 Candy increasing by 5 more Candy every time you remove a Thorn.
  • Purchase Stations: As you progress through the Recipe List, you will unlock new Stations. These Stations can be purchased with Candy. See Stations section for more info.
  • Station Refills: They can be spent to instantly refill a Station at an increasing cost of 25>50>75>100, caping at 100. The Cost resets every day of the event.

You can earn Candy by doing the following:

  • Candy Buckets: The Candy Buckets are event stations. They produce one Candy every 15 minutes and can store up to 100 Candies. You start with a free one and can purchase up to two more with Gems.
  • Trick Or Treaters: A Trick or Treater will show up daily in the main lair. You can either feed them to the Devourer for 25 Candy or watch an ad for 50 Candy.
  • Merging in the Lair: Candy can be earned by merging in the Main Lair.

Every merge in the main game has a chance to make a Candy. As you make more Candies, your chances drop. This resets each day.

Candies earned this day Chances
0 - 24 50 %
25 - 49 25 %
50 - 74 20 %
75 - 99 10 %
100 - 124 5 %
125 - 149 2 %
150 + 1 %


Stations produces ingredients. They are bought using Candy. The first station is available at the beginning of the event, the next ones needs to be unlocked by completing recipes. Some stations can be bought multiple times, if so the cost increases each time.

When bought a Station comes with a full storage.

Station Unlock Cost Time of production
(max store)
Ingredients produced
Candy Bucket.png
Candy bucket
0 Free
250 diamonds
250 diamonds
15 minutes (100 max) Candy.png Candy
Pumpkin Patch.png
Pumpkin Patch
0 Candy.png 100 30 minutes (20 max) Small Pumpkin.png Small Pumpkin(90%)
Straw Bale.png Straw Bale (10%)
5 Candy.png 150
Candy.png 400
60 minutes (10 max) Straw.png Straw (50%)
Big Pumpkin.png Big Pumpkin (30%)
Feather.png Feather (20%)
Rotten Log.png
Dead log
10 Candy.png 200
Candy.png 300
Candy.png 500
60 minutes (10 max) Fly.png Fly (50%)
Stick.pngStick (25%)
Red Fungus.png Red Fungus (25%)
Mirror 20 Free 1 use per day 1 of currently required recipe ingredient
Mushroom Ring.png
Fairy Ring
30 Candy.png 500 45 minutes (14 max) Blue Fungus.pngBlue Fungi (35%)
Green Fungus.pngGreen Fungi (35%)
Red Mushroom.pngRed Mushroom (30%)
40 Candy.png 400
Candy.png 600
90 minutes (8 max) Newt.png Newt (40%)
Mosquito.png Mosquito (30%)
Blue Mushroom.png Blue Mushroom (30%)
Witch Hat.png
Witch's Hat
50 Candy.png 500
Candy.png 750
90 minutes (8 max) Green Mushroom.png Green Mushroom (30%)
Frog.png Frog (30%)
Straw Doll.png Straw Doll (20%)
Wand.png Wand Lv2 (10%)
Charm.png Charm Lv2 (10%)
65 Candy.png 1000 120 minutes (5 max) Garlic.png Garlic (70%)
Cherry Aid.png Cherryade (30%)


Below is a list of items with their merge chains and their Vile Brew output if "fed" as is to the Cauldron.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Small Pumpkin.png Small Pumpkin (1 Vile Brew.png) Big Pumpkin.png Big Pumpkin (3 Vile Brew.png) Carved Pumpkin.png Carved Pumpkin (8 Vile Brew.png) Jack O' Lantern.png Jack O' Lantern (20 Vile Brew.png) Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin (50 Vile Brew.png)
Straw.png Straw (2 Vile Brew.png) Straw Bale.png Straw Bale (5 Vile Brew.png) Straw Doll.png Straw Doll (12 Vile Brew.png) Straw Man.png Straw Man (30 Vile Brew.png)
Feather.png Feather (6 Vile Brew.png) Charm.png Charm (15 Vile Brew.png)
Fly.png Fly (3 Vile Brew.png) Mosquito.png Mosquito (8 Vile Brew.png) Ant.png Ant (20 Vile Brew.png) Beetle.png Beetle (50 Vile Brew.png)
Stick.png Stick (4 Vile Brew.png) Wand.png Wand (10 Vile Brew.png) Staff.png Staff (25 Vile Brew.png)
Red Fungus.png Red Fungi (1 Vile Brew.png) Red Mushroom.png Red Mushroom (3 Vile Brew.png) Red Giant Toadstool.png Red Toadstool (8 Vile Brew.png) (Made by combining two different Toadstools)
Red and Blue Giant Toadstool.png Red and Blue Toadstool (30 Vile Brew.png)
Green and Red Giant Toadstool.png Green and Red Toadstool (40 Vile Brew.png)
Blue and Green Giant Toadstool.png Blue and Green Toadstool (50 Vile Brew.png)
Blue Fungus.png Blue Fungi (2 Vile Brew.png) Blue Mushroom.png Blue Mushroom (5 Vile Brew.png) Blue Toadstool.png Blue Toadstool (12 Vile Brew.png)
Green Fungus.png Green Fungi (3 Vile Brew.png) Green Mushroom.png Green Mushroom (8 Vile Brew.png) Greed Toadstool.png Green Toadstool (20 Vile Brew.png)
Newt.png Newt (4 Vile Brew.png) Frog.png Frog (10 Vile Brew.png) Toad.png Toad (25 Vile Brew.png)
Garlic.png Garlic (20 Vile Brew.png) Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace (50 Vile Brew.png)
Cherry Aid.png Cherryade (75 Vile Brew.png)


Potion ingredients can be put in the Great Cauldron earning Vile Brew. Put the right ingredients to complete recipes, to earn a bonus and to unlock new stations.

It is highly recommended to focus only on recipes and to avoid as possible to put any other ingredients on the Great Cauldron.

A recipe's rewarded Vile Brew increases every 5 completed recipes:

Reward Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3 Recipe 4 Recipe 5
25 Vile Brew.png 1 Small Pumpkin.png Small Pumpkin 1 Big Pumpkin.png Big Pumpkin 1 Carved Pumpkin.png Carved Pumpkin 1 Straw Bale.png Straw Bale 3 Big Pumpkin.png Big Pumpkin
30 Vile Brew.png 1 Straw Doll.png Straw Doll 1 Feather.png Feather 1 Jack O' Lantern.png Jack O' Lantern 3 Straw.png Straw 1 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin
35 Vile Brew.png 1 Mosquito.png Mosquito 1 Wand.png Wand 1 Charm.png Charm 1 Straw Man.png Straw Man 1 Beetle.png Beetle
40 Vile Brew.png 3 Jack O' Lantern.png Jack O' Lantern 1 Red Mushroom.png Red Mushroom 2 Straw Man.png Straw Man 2 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 2 Charm.png Charm
45 Vile Brew.png 3 Stick.png Stick 2 Beetle.png Beetle 1 Red Giant Toadstool.png Red Toadstool 5 Jack O' Lantern.png Jack O' Lantern 3 Straw Man.png Straw Man
50 Vile Brew.png 3 Red Mushroom.png Red Mushroom 3 Charm.png Charm 1 Staff.png Staff 3 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 9 Mosquito.png Mosquito
60 Vile Brew.png 1 Blue Mushroom.png Blue Mushroom 7 Straw Doll.png Straw Doll 1 Green Mushroom.png Green Mushroom 1 Red and Blue Giant Toadstool.png Red and Blue Toadstool 3 Wand.png Wand
70 Vile Brew.png 4 Straw Man.png Straw Man 3 Beetle.png Beetle 7 Jack O' Lantern.png Jack O' Lantern 2 Green and Red Giant Toadstool.png Green and Red Toadstool 4 Charm.png Charm
80 Vile Brew.png 1 Frog.png Frog 2 Staff.png Staff 3 Red and Blue Giant Toadstool.png Red and Blue Toadstool 4 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 3 Greed Toadstool.png Green Toadstool
90 Vile Brew.png 7 Ant.png Ant 9 Straw Doll.png Straw Doll 1 Toad.png Toad 4 Red Giant Toadstool.png Red Toadstool 5 Wand.png Wand
100 Vile Brew.png 4 Blue and Green Giant Toadstool.png Blue and Green Toadstool 5 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 5 Straw Man.png Straw Man 5 Charm.png Charm 2 Toad.png Toad
120 Vile Brew.png 4 Beetle.png Beetle 3 Staff.png Staff 5 Blue Toadstool.png Blue Toadstool 6 Straw Man.png Straw Man 6 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin
140 Vile Brew.png 5 Green and Red Giant Toadstool.png Green and Red Toadstool 3 Toad.png Toad 4 Staff.png Staff 6 Charm.png Charm 9 Ant.png Ant
160 Vile Brew.png 1 Garlic.png Garlic 6 Red Giant Toadstool.png Red Toadstool 7 Straw Man.png Straw Man 7 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 5 Staff.png Staff
180 Vile Brew.png 6 Blue and Green Giant Toadstool.png Blue and Green Toadstool 1 Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace 4 Toad.png Toad 1 Cherry Aid.png Cherryade 5 Beetle.png Beetle
200 Vile Brew.png 2 Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace 7 Red and Blue Giant Toadstool.png Red and Blue Toadstool 7 Charm.png Charm 8 Straw Man.png Straw Man 6 Staff.png Staff
225 Vile Brew.png 5 Toad.png Toad 8 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 2 Cherry Aid.png Cherryade 6 Beetle.png Beetle 3 Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace
250 Vile Brew.png 8 Blue and Green Giant Toadstool.png Blue and Green Toadstool 3 Cherry Aid.png Cherryade 6 Toad.png Toad 8 Charm.png Charm 9 Straw Man.png Straw Man
275 Vile Brew.png 4 Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace 7 Beetle.png Beetle 7 Staff.png Staff 9 Red Giant Toadstool.png Red Toadstool 4 Cherry Aid.png Cherryade
300 Vile Brew.png 9 Smashed Pumpkin.png Smashed Pumpkin 7 Toad.png Toad 5 Garlic Necklace.png Garlic Necklace 5 Cherry Aid.png Cherryade 8 Beetle.png Beetle


Table of Current Hocus Pocus rewards
Reward Cost Effect Amount Available Image
Skeleton Devourer Skin 5000 Vile Brew.png +20% food from Cravings 1 Devourer Skeleton Skin.png
Devil Stone Skin 2500 Vile Brew.png Shades give +10% Darkness 1 Devil Stone Skin.png
Witch Necromerger skin 1000 Vile Brew.png +5% Darkness Cap 1 NecroMerger Witch.png
Crypt Lair theme 5000 Vile Brew.png Pumpkin Carving Decoration
(+8 Poison Runes daily)
1 Lair Theme Halloween.png
Rival Relic Lvl 3 4000 Vile Brew.png +11% Rival speed 1 Rival Relic L3.png
Skip Relic Lvl 2 3000 Vile Brew.png +2% Minion Level skip chance 1 Skip Relic L2.png
Cleric Relic Lvl 3 2000 Vile Brew.png +11% Cleric speed 2 Cleric Relic L3.png
Chicken Relic Lvl 2 1500 Vile Brew.png -2m Chicken Lay speed 2 Chicken Relic L2.png
Cravings Relic Lvl 3 1000 Vile Brew.png +7% Food from Cravings 3 Cravings Relic L3.png
Knight Relic Lvl 2 500 Vile Brew.png +8% Knight Speed 3 Knight Relic L2.png
Chicken Feed 1500 Vile Brew.png Chickens Lay eggs until out of space 3 Chicken Feed.png
Valuable Chest 1000 Vile Brew.png Contains Valuables 9 Valuable Chest.png
Cauldron 500 Vile Brew.png Contains Potions Unlimited Cauldron L1.gif
25 Candy 15 Gems 1 (Refreshes Daily) Candy.png
50 Candy 25 Gems 1 (Refreshes Daily) Candy.png
200 Vile Brew 50 Gems 1 (Refreshes Daily) Vile Brew.png