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Serv-O is the first of the robot helper Inventions you can obtain from The Inventor. Serv-O is unlocked when you reach the milestone of spending 250 Time Shard.png Time Shards on other inventions. Serv-O applies a flat increase on your resource storage amounts and is affected by any resource storage multipliers on top of that, like Relics. Along with this, Serv-O also produces resources, what he produces and stores is based on what color you toggle him to by clicking on him. Serv-O's capabilities can be further increased by purchasing upgrades from The Hacker. The two upgrades are +5 Production to all resources for 50 Astro Coin 0.png and +3000 storage capacity for 1500 Coin 0.png Coins.

Stor-O Base Stats
Resource Production Capacity Upgraded
Mana Mana.png 10 6000 Mana.png 15 9000
Slime Slime.png 8 4500 Slime.png 13 7500
Darkness Darkness.png 6 3000 Darkness.png 11 6000