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Damage is a stat belonging to most but not all minions and determines how much health a champion loses when that minion attacks them. Damage can be increased via the Spellbook, the Reaper and Relics. In game purchases also increase certain stats like damage.

Base Damage Values

List of all damage dealing minions and their damage before boosts are applied.

Monster Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Template:Icon Skeleton 5 10 25 50 100 225 500
Template:Icon Zombie 10 25 50 125 300 700
Template:Icon Mummy 20 50 100 225 500
Template:Icon Spider 15 30 75 175
Template:Icon Snake 150 400 1000
Template:Icon Werewolf 25 60 150 400 1000
Template:Icon Bat 25 50 125 300
Template:Icon Banshee 125 300 750 1750
Template:Icon Ghoul 50 150 400 1000
Template:Icon Demon 500 1250 3500
Template:Icon Cultist* 350

*See The Cultist for more info on cultist damage scaling.


All boosts are additive. This means they total up to a single percentage that your damage is then multiplied by. To calculate how much damage a monster will deal with certain boosts use this equation: BaseAttack*(1+X) where X is the value of the boosts. To convert a percentage to a decimal just add the . before the first two numbers 55% percent becomes .55 and 245% becomes 2.45 for example.

Boost Value How to Obtain
Bigger Claws 5% per upgrade, for a maximum of 15% Spell Book Page 1

(Devourer Level 14)

Tougher Jaws 10% per upgrade, for a maximum of 30% Spell Book Page 2

(Devourer Level 26)

Big Beasts 15% per upgrade, for a maximum of 45% Spell Book Page 3

(Devourer Level 39)

For The Cause Spell Book Page 3

(Devourer Level 39)

The Reaper 20% Damage Combine Two Level 5 Lecterns
Damage Relic 2/4/7/10/15/25/40% depending on level Obtained in the vault at particular

Devourer levels

Golden Fangs 50% Damage Purchasable in the 2nd page of

the shop

Champion Health

Champion Health
Peasant 100
Knight 500
Cleric 2500
Paladin 7500
Rival 15000
Thief 250

Note: Although the Thief is not actually a champion, due to it being a daily spawn with health it has been included here