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Item Delivery System

The main room of the Dungeon and all the Permanent Event Rooms have their own item delivery systems, relevant to that room. The starting area of the game has Skully, the Nectarmerger event has the Flower, the Sibling Rivalry Armory has the Cauldron. The Relic vault and Tippy's room do not have item delivery systems, as you cannot make cash purchases for items that are deposited in them.

Before prestiging via the Time Machine, Skully must be clear of items. Skully does have an item limit, but it's unknown how many items he can hold.

In Permanent Events all Items bought with the event's resources or Gems will be sent to their respective Item Delivery Systems. It is unknown if there is an item limit for these delivery systems.

Prizes from events are placed in the Relic vault if the following conditions are met:

  • The Item is a Relic.
  • The Relic vault has space for it.