Gid the Good

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Gid the Good is a boss character that is unlocked after completing Feat 25 and obtaining the Unexpected Parcel which is used to spawn Gid. Gid is unique in that he can only spawn once per prestige. He cannot be fed to the Devourer unlike other champions.

He starts with 3 million hp and also has a special mechanic where he erects a shield that you must break in order to continue dealing damage to his health. There are 4 types of shields, each with a corresponding weakness to combat-oriented minions. Only the specified minion can deal damage to the shield, if you attempt to use a minion that is not the specified minion, it will reject the minion and give a message saying "Gid is shielded and can only be attacked by" the specific minion. Once you reduce the shield health to zero it breaks and leaves Gid open to be attacked 3 times before he generates a new, randomly selected shield.

When defeated, Gid will stay on the board and stars will spin around his head, indicating that the player can now tap on him to loot him, similar to a Chest. He drops 3 Valuables Chests, 2 Galactic Chests, and 1 Energy Chest, in that order. Gid will disappear after the Energy Chest is collected, and the player must prestige to fight him again.

Gid's Shields
Shield Type Shield
Gid Egg Shield.png Snake Shield 5,000
Gid Fang Shield.png Werewolf Shield 10,000
Gid Horn Shield.png Demon Shield 25,000
Gid Halo Shield.png Cherub Shield 40,000

Advanced Mechanics Explanations

  • Damage over the shield limit does not carry over to Gid's health pool.