User talk:Catkloud32

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Hey guys, I'm making this post just to get this off of my mind. I've decided to try and give every content update to the game a codename for fun. What I consider a content update is an update which was 1) posted to the Necromerger Reddit and 2) adds at least one new item, mechanic, or major rebalances (ie no bug fixes) Beta 0.9 - Prestige Update Version 1.0 - Launch

Version 1.01 - Stab-O

Version 1.02 - Hocus Pocus I

Version 1.04 - The BS Update

Version 1.05 - Sleigh Down I

Version 1.08 - Sibling Rivalry

Version 1.20 - The Theme Update

Version 1.21 - Style & Shards

Version 1.23 - Life's a Beach I

Version 1.30 - Forgotten Minions

Version 1.33 - The QoL Update / The Item Update

Version 1.36 - Hocus Pocus II

Version 1.37 - The Hacker Update

Version 1.38 - Sleigh Down II

Version 1.40 - The Late-Game Expansion

Ok so most of these are just the post names, but I couldn't possibly top Grumpy's wonderful naming conventions

Anyways here's my prediction for the next updates in order

Late-Game Tweaks (confirmed by grumpy)

Mana Event (soft confirmed)

Late-Game Expansion 2: Electric Boogaloo

Life's a Beach II

and maybe a balance/polish update or two sprinkled in there