Testing grounds

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Get more Food when feeding the Devourer.

Ice Rune 0.png -25
Poison Rune 0.png -25
Blood Rune 0.png -5, Ice Rune 0.png -50

/*test Brewer*/

Get more Food when feeding the Devourer.
Ice Rune 0.png -25

Greed, Get more Food when feeding the Devourer. Lvl 1 Ice Rune -25, Food +5% Lvl 2 Poison Rune -15, Food +10% Lvl 3 Blood Rune -5, Ice Rune -50, Food +15%

More Magic, Increase the Mana Cap. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -10, ManaCap +5% Lvl 2 Ice Rune -25, ManaCap +10% Lvl 3 Poison Rune -15, Ice Rune -30, ManaCap +15% Lvl 4 Blood Rune -10, Poison Rune -30, ManaCap +20% Lvl 5 Ice Rune -75, ManaCap +25%

Lowly Champions, Make the Peasant and Knight spawn faster. Lvl 1 Ice Rune -10, PeasantKnightSpawn +5% Lvl 2 Poison Rune -10, PeasantKnightSpawn +10% Lvl 3 Ice Rune -50, PeasantKnightSpawn +15% Lvl 4 Blood Rune -15, Poison Rune -30, PeasantKnightSpawn +20% Lvl 5 Moon Rune -10, Ice Rune -50, PeasantKnightSpawn +25%

Bigger Claws, Increase all Damage. Lvl 1 Blood Rune -5, Damage +5% Lvl 2 Poison Rune -25, Damage +10% Lvl 3 Ice Rune -75, Damage +15%

NecroMaster, Increase resources from the NecroMerger. Lvl 1 IceRune -15, NecromancerResource +1 Lvl 2 PoisonRune -20, NecromancerResource +2 Lvl 3 BloodRune -10, NecromancerResource +3

Fouler Chicken, Increase all Chickens' laying speed. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -15, FoulChickenSpeed -3 min Lvl 2 Poison Rune -25, IceRune -50, FoulChickenSpeed -6 min Lvl 3 Blood Rune -10, Poison Rune -20, FoulChickenSpeed -9 min

Glutton, Get more Food when feeding the Devourer. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -25, Ice Rune -25, Food +10% Lvl 2 Blood Rune -20, Food +20% Lvl 3 Death Rune -10, Moon Rune -15, Food +30%

Oodles of Ooze, Increase the Slime Cap. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -10, SlimeCapPercent +5% Lvl 2 Ice Rune -50, SlimeCapPercent +10% Lvl 3 Blood Rune -10, Poison Rune -20, SlimeCapPercent +15% Lvl 4 Ice Rune -75, SlimeCapPercent +20% Lvl 5 Moon Rune -10, Blood Rune -10, SlimeCapPercent +25%

Holy Heroes, Make the Cleric and Paladin spawn faster. Lvl 1 IceRune -50, ClericPaladinSpawn +5% Lvl 2 BloodRune -10, Poison Rune -30, ClericPaladinSpawn +10% Lvl 3 MoonRune -15, Ice Rune -50, ClericPaladinSpawn +15% Lvl 4 BloodRune -25, ClericPaladinSpawn +20% Lvl 5 DeathRune -10, ClericPaladinSpawn +25%

Tougher Jaws, Increase all Damage. Lvl 1 Moon Rune -5, Poison Rune -25, Damage +10% Lvl 2 Ice Rune -75, Damage +20% Lvl 3 Death Rune -5, Blood Rune -20, Damage +30%

Shady, Shades give more Darkness. Lvl 1 Blood Rune -5, DarkEnergyFeed +10 Lvl 2 Blood Rune -10, DarkEnergyFeed +20% Lvl 3 Blood Rune -15, DarkEnergyFeed +30%

Thief, Increase the Thief's daily spawns. Lvl 1 Moon Rune -15, ThiefSpawn +1 Int Lvl 2 Poison Rune -25, Ice Rune -50, ThiefSpawn +2 Int

Gourmand, Get more Food when feeding the Devourer. Lvl 1 Moon Rune -20, Ice Rune -50, Food +15% Lvl 2 Death Rune -30, Food +30% Lvl 3 Blood Rune -30, Poison Rune -60, Food +45%

Dank Darkness, Increase the Darkness Cap. Lvl 1 Death Rune -10, Ice Rune -50, DarkEnergyCapPercent +5% Lvl 2 Moon Rune -20, DarkEnergyCapPercent +10% Lvl 3 Poison Rune -50, Ice Rune -100, DarkEnergyCapPercent +15% Lvl 4 Moon Rune -15, Blood Rune -30, DarkEnergyCapPercent +20% Lvl 5 Death Rune -30, DarkEnergyCapPercent +25%

Greater Rival, Make the Rival spawn faster. Lvl 1 Ice Rune -100, RivalSpawn +5% Lvl 2 Death Rune -15, Blood Rune -25, RivalSpawn +10% Lvl 3 Moon Rune -30, RivalSpawn +15% Lvl 4 Poison Rune -75, Ice Rune -75, RivalSpawn +20% Lvl 5 Blood Rune -50, RivalSpawn +25%

Big Beasts, Increase all Damage. Lvl 1 Moon Rune -20, Damage +15% Lvl 2 Blood Rune -30, Ice Rune -60, Damage +30% Lvl 3 Death Rune -30, Damage +45%

Traveller, Increase the Merchant's daily spawns. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -100, MerchantSpawn +1 Int Lvl 2 Death Rune -20, MerchantSpawn +2 Int

For the Cause, Increase the Cultist's Damage and Food. Lvl 1 Blood Rune -20, Poison Rune -50, CultistDamageAndFood +250% Lvl 2 Death Rune -20, CultistDamageAndFood +500%

Big Cravings, Get more Food from Cravings. Lvl 1 Poison Rune -150, Ice Rune -150, CravingFeed +20% Lvl 2 Cosmic Rune -75, CravingFeed +40% Lvl 3 Blood Rune -150, Poison Rune -250, CravingFeed +60%

Gargantuan Guzzlers, Increase Guzzlers' Food Cap. Lvl 1 CosmicRune -25, Death Rune -50, GuzzlerMaxCap +10% Lvl 2 MoonRune- 100, GuzzlerMaxCap +25% Lvl 3 IceRune -250, GuzzlerMaxCap +50%

Powerful Protector, Make the Protector spawn faster. Lvl 1 Death Rune -50, ProtectorSpawn +5% Lvl 2 Cosmic Rune -50, ProtectorSpawn +10% Lvl 3 Moon Rune -75, Poison Rune -100, ProtectorSpawn +15% Lvl 4 Blood Rune -100, Ice Rune -150, ProtectorSpawn +20% Lvl 5 Cosmic Rune -50, Death Rune -100, ProtectorSpawn +25%

Lasers!, Increase all Damage. Lvl 1 Blood Rune -100, Damage +20% Lvl 2 Death Rune -50, Poison Rune -150, Damage +40% Lvl 3 Cosmic Rune -100, Damage +60%

Bounty Hunting, Cadets give more Gold when beaten. Lvl 1 Cosmic Rune -25, Moon Rune -50, CadetBounty +1 Int Lvl 2 Poison Rune -250, CadetBounty +2 Int

Superior Grind, Increase Soul Grinders' Speed. Lvl 1 Cosmic Rune -50, SoulConverterSpeed +10% Lvl 2 Death Rune -75, SoulConverterSpeed +15% Lvl 3 Moon Rune -100, SoulConverterSpeed +20% Lvl 4 Cosmic Rune -50, Blood Rune -150, SoulConverterSpeed +25%