The Peasant

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The Peasant
Summon by merging Skeletons, Zombies and Mummies.
General info
Unlocked at
Devourer level 5
Ice Chest.png

The Peasant is one of the champions that can invade the lair. He is spawned by merging Skeletons, Zombies, and Mummies.

He drops an Ice Chest on defeat, making him a major source of Ice Runes.

Spawning data


The percent progressed by each creature. These are base values and do not include Buff Bonuses.

Monster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Skeleton L7.gif Skeleton 0.67% 0.80% 1.00% 1.33% 1.67% 2.00% 2.67%
Zombie L6.png Zombie 2.00% 2.33% 2.67% 3.00% 3.33% 4.00% -
Mummy L4.gif Mummy 2.67% 3.00% 3.33% 3.67% 4.00% - -


The exact point value provided by a creature. Primarily useful for accounting for your champion boosts. The Peasant has a spawn threshold of 150,000 points and receives points from Skeletons, Zombies, and Mummies.

Monster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Skeleton L7.gif Skeleton 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000
Zombie L6.png Zombie 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 6000 -
Mummy L4.gif Mummy 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 - -


Below is a list of all dialogue triggered by having or interacting with the Peasant.

Trigger Speaker Dialogue
Picking up the Peasant Peasant Gerr off!
Peasant Let me down, mate.
Knight is defeated in combat Peasant Fancy armour didn't save 'er.
Knight survives combat Peasant She didn't like that!
Peasant survives combat Peasant Is that all you got?
Peasant I can take more.
Peasant Is that it?
Feed the Devourer Peasant Gross!
Merge a minion Peasant What? More Monsters?
Idle Peasant Die witch!
Peasant Kill the beast! Kill the beast!
Peasant Shoulda brought my pitchfork.
Peasant What is that thing? An octopus?
Peasant Your beast ain't of this world.
Peasant I'm a one man mob!
Peasant I don't smell! Just had my yearly bath.
Peasant is possessed by the Body Snatcher Peasant I AM THE PEASANT.
Peasant I SMELL!