Buff Bonuses

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Buff Bonuses and Sources

This Page Lists Damage/Food/Craving/Other Buff Sources




Champion Spawn


  • (All bonuses in this game are Additive with Each other and Multiplicative with Base Value)
  • You Use A formula of "Base Value * (1+ X%)" where X is the Total Value of your Multipliers and ALL Multipliers are Additive with each other

For Example :

  • Having a "45% damage boost from Spell book" and 100% from damage relic will grant you a total multiplier of 1+145% or 2.45x total bonus which then multiples by base value (Werewolf Level 5 Base dmg is 1000 so you calculate : 1000 * 2.45 or 1000 * (1+1.45) = 2450 damage)
  • (Getting The Cultist's "For the Cause" spell is a 500% Additive bonus to your current dmg/food multiplier)